For this She Words episode, host Alicia Ramsey shares information, inspiration, and principles in the conversation entitled, How to Select the Right Mentor. She Words are motivational messages on motherhood, marriage, and mentorship. This episode will give you information and insight on what a mentor can and should do in the learning partnership. The word "mentor" has a root in Greek mythology. The word mentor cannot be found in the Bible, yet mentorship can be seen throughout the Old and New Testaments.
Mentoring is a partnership where knowledge, information, experience, skills, and perspective are shared between a mentor and the mentee. According to Peter Senge (1990), the author of The Fifth Discipline, mentors empower people with information, offer insights, new knowledge, and alternative perspectives on reality. Senge articulates mentoring is more than teaching someone how to achieve their vision; but fostering learning, offering choices, and building consensus.
Influential leaders are mentors and know the importance of mentoring. Everyone can be a leader because we all have gifts, talents, and knowledge to share. By mentoring the next generations to become productive citizens that better the world for all. Listen to hear more about mentorship as we dig deeper into this week's educational podcast dialogue. Connect with us and share your story with us on social media, or e-mail us at aramseyconsulting@gmail.com. Thank you for subscribing, sharing, and supporting the She Words podcasts.