Men demonstrate their dominance and power physically. Depending on their opposition they will get aggressive. When it comes to how women show their strength it’s a little different. We on;y get physical if we are seriously threatened or as a last resort. We usually show strength through patience or verbal communication. This episode is about the very first time I got physical with my step dad and how to deal with a mean step parent. This is one of the reasons why I don’t want to have children out of wedlock. Here is the question and answers I reference: https://www.quora.com/Why-doesnt-my-husband-want-to-act-like-a-stepdad-figure-to-my-daughter-and-son The song playing in the background is called “Do Everything With Honor” by Me (Mettle Heart). It’s on the 888 EP, streaming everywhere. Rate this episode and tell me your story, but until then “Put a shield on it” and “peace and love”.