
  • Being Uncomfortable

    Make the uncomfortable, comfortable.
    Embrace the suck.
    If you're going through hell, keep going.

    It's not what happens to you, its how you respond to it.

    I believe in you, you should too!

    I believe in YOU, your friends, your family, your team, and the power of belief in each other, and you should too.

    Tune into this micro podcast for bite size perspectives on trust, teamwork and life that will inspire and motivate you daily.

    Contact me anytime at GameSevenGroup.com

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  • Champions Remain Neutral

    The present moment is where the work is done.
    Name any dynasty team (#NewEnglandPatriots, #EdmontonOilers, #NewYorkIslanders, #ChicagoBulls, #NewYorkYankees, #KanasaCityChiefs) and you will see a group that has mastered this.

    The continued journey to understand how to be present and to focus on what you can control is a recipe for winning both as individuals and as teams.

    I believe in you, you should too!

    I believe in YOU, your friends, your family, your team, and the power of belief in each other, and you should too.

    Tune into this micro podcast for bite size perspectives on trust, teamwork and life that will inspire and motivate you daily.

    Contact me anytime at GameSevenGroup.com

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  • 5 Hour Rule

    This took some practice, but I have it down now.

    However you want to carve out and spend an hour on you is up to you - there is no right way. But the benefits from investing time into yourself is well worth it.

    I've made a commitment to myself for this year to read every single day for a minimum of 20 minutes (most days I do a lot more). It has not only been enriching for me, but I generally look forward to it every day. I find myself excited to choose the next book I am going to read.

    Most important, I don't beat myself up if I read five pages or fifty. As long as I am consistent I feel great about it.

    I believe in you, You should too.

    I believe in YOU, your friends, your family, your team, and the power of belief in each other, and you should too.

    Tune into this micro podcast for bite size perspectives on trust, teamwork and life that will inspire and motivate you daily.

    Contact me anytime at GameSevenGroup.com

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  • 3 Tips for Defeat

    Failure isnt fatal!
    Don't allow it to destroy your team, teammates or self. Use it to grow.

    I believe in you, you should too.

    I believe in YOU, your friends, your family, your team, and the power of belief in each other, and you should too.

    Tune into this micro podcast for bite size perspectives on trust, teamwork and life that will inspire and motivate you daily.

    Contact me anytime at GameSevenGroup.com

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  • Episode 76: Lead On The Field!

    Leading on the field starts well before the game begins. Here are three crucial tips for athletes as you prepare for game day:

    1. Preparation is Key: Before you even step onto the field, your preparation sets the tone. It’s about being mentally and physically ready for the game. This preparation involves understanding your game plan, conditioning your body, and mentally visualizing your performance. When you prepare thoroughly, you step onto the field with confidence and clarity.
    2. Give 100% Every Play: On the field, it's all about effort. You need to know, without a doubt, that you're giving everything you have in every single play. Consistency in effort is what sets apart good players from great ones. It's about pushing yourself to your limits and then going a bit further. This relentless commitment is what true leadership on the field looks like.
    3. Mind Your Body Language and Team Dynamics: Your body language speaks volumes, both when you're winning and especially when you're not. It's about how you carry yourself, how you interact with teammates, and how you respond to the ups and downs of the game. Remember, your attitude and behavior off the ball are just as important as when you're in play. They reflect your character and influence your team's morale and performance.

    These three aspects are fundamental for any athlete preparing for a game. It’s not just about what you do during the game, but also about how you prepare for it and how you conduct yourself throughout.

    I believe in your potential to excel in these areas and be an exemplary athlete on and off the field. I believe in your ability to prepare, perform, and present yourself as a leader. I believe in you. You should too.

    I believe in YOU, your friends, your family, your team, and the power of belief in each other, and you should too.

    Tune into this micro podcast for bite size perspectives on trust, teamwork and life that will inspire and motivate you daily.

    Contact me anytime at GameSevenGroup.com

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  • Episode 75: Lead From The Bench!

    Let's focus on a crucial aspect of team dynamics – how to lead effectively from the bench or sidelines when you're not actively in the game. Here are three key leadership tips for those moments:

    1. Massive Attention to Detail: Just because you're not on the field, ice, or court, doesn't mean your role is any less important. Stay acutely aware of what's happening in the game. You'd be surprised how much you can contribute from the sidelines. Your unique perspective can offer insights that coaches and playing teammates might miss. Remember, the more eyes on the game, the better the overall strategy.
    2. Support and Challenge Your Teammates: Keep an eye on your teammates' morale. If someone's feeling down, be there to lift them up. Encourage them, but also be ready to provide constructive challenges when needed. This kind of support is vital and can make a significant difference in a team's performance and spirit.
    3. Set the Standard for the Team: If you're a player who doesn’t get many reps or doesn't play often, your attitude and preparation set the tone for the entire team. By giving your all in every game, even when you're not playing, you exemplify the commitment and dedication expected from every team member. Recognize and support the players who embody this standard, and if that's you, know that your role is invaluable in setting the team's culture.

    Even from the bench, your leadership, awareness, and attitude can have a profound impact on the team's success. Whether you're playing or not, you have the power to influence and inspire.

    I have confidence in your ability to be an impactful leader from the sidelines. I believe in your capacity to make a difference in every role. I believe in you. You should too.

    I believe in YOU, your friends, your family, your team, and the power of belief in each other, and you should too.

    Tune into this micro podcast for bite size perspectives on trust, teamwork and life that will inspire and motivate you daily.

    Contact me anytime at GameSevenGroup.com

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  • Episode 74: Present Yourself As A Champion

    Alright, let's talk about how to present yourself as a champion at all times, not just when you're on the field. Here are three key tips to help you embody the spirit of a champion in every aspect of your life.

    1. Be Present: This is fundamental. Champions have the unique ability to live in the present moment. Forget about what has happened or what might happen; focus on the now. What’s happening right in front of you and what you can control is what truly matters. This level of mindfulness is what separates the greats from the rest.
    2. Set High Standards: Whenever you step onto the field, into a practice session, or into the gym, carry with you a standard of excellence. Your standards should be lofty and unwavering. We've talked in other videos about setting these standards, but remember, they are the benchmarks that will guide your efforts and growth.
    3. Maintain Integrity: This is crucial. If you're not sure what integrity means, look it up, understand it, and live by it. Integrity is about what you do when no one else is watching. It's closely tied to your standards, but it speaks more to your character. Being a champion isn't just about your performance during the game; it's about who you are as a person, all the time.

    Remember, the essence of being a champion is about how you present yourself, both in the spotlight and behind the scenes. It's about staying present, holding yourself to high standards, and living with integrity every single day.

    I believe in your ability to embody these qualities and live like a champion, on and off the field. I believe in you. You should too.

    I believe in YOU, your friends, your family, your team, and the power of belief in each other, and you should too.

    Tune into this micro podcast for bite size perspectives on trust, teamwork and life that will inspire and motivate you daily.

    Contact me anytime at GameSevenGroup.com

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  • Episode 73: A Season Is A Living Thing

    A lot can happen during the course of a sports season and you never know when life will play a role. As a coach, you have to prepare for all the curveballs life can throw at you and your players.

    I believe in your ability to handle those curveballs. I believe in you. You should too.

    I believe in YOU, your friends, your family, your team, and the power of belief in each other, and you should too.

    Tune into this micro podcast for bite size perspectives on trust, teamwork and life that will inspire and motivate you daily.

    Contact me anytime at GameSevenGroup.com

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