The feeling of being unmotivated is the worst feeling ever especially when you are trying to work on yourself. It’s very inconvenient when I get that feeling. This past week I’ve been feeling very unmotivated and I know I’m not the only one. It took me so much effort just to get out of bed. I wanted to stay in bed all day but I can’t. There are things I need to do. The feeling of unmotivated can stem from sabotage. In my case, my ego is scared of the future and it wants to avoid those feelings by not going or doing anything. I know I’m not the only one. This happens time and time again. We see someone give up on there dreams or never start there dreams for fear of whatever the future will bring. It can be a fear of success, failure, the unknown, and anything else you can think of. I fear all three. Unmotivated people are not lazy they are scared to leave their comfort zone. Not wanting to do anything is nothing to be ashamed of. We are allowed to have lazy days. Society teaches us that we always need to be on the go but that’s not how we are wired. Take that break and allow yourself to be in the moment. Our dreams will come but we won’t enjoy them if the journey is filled with so much pressure. The best journey is the slow and scenic route not the fastest one that’s filled with traffic. When you start living for today and not worrying about the future that unmotivated feeling tends to go away. The days you relax, tend to become the days you are working on bettering yourself mentally. Live for today because tomorrow is not guaranteed. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_downtoearthyogi/ Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/earthsassistant