• 著者: Jaya Rose
  • ポッドキャスト


著者: Jaya Rose
  • サマリー

  • Welcome to Influential Speaking Brand™️ with Jaya Rose, where we believe that taking up space is sacred, speaking your truth is hot, and owning your power is contagious! Tune in for insights and lessons on how to grow your brand using video marketing, brand strategy and embodiment with Jaya Rose and the occasional special guest. Be prepared to feel gassed up and ready to speak your wisdom after each episode. And make sure to share the episodes you love, because there is always room for more Influential Leaders.

    Your voice is important. 💌

    Speaking Tips | Online Visibility | Online Business Growth | Brand Growth | Storytelling | Video Marketing | Hustle Free
    Copyright Jaya Rose
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Welcome to Influential Speaking Brand™️ with Jaya Rose, where we believe that taking up space is sacred, speaking your truth is hot, and owning your power is contagious! Tune in for insights and lessons on how to grow your brand using video marketing, brand strategy and embodiment with Jaya Rose and the occasional special guest. Be prepared to feel gassed up and ready to speak your wisdom after each episode. And make sure to share the episodes you love, because there is always room for more Influential Leaders.

Your voice is important. 💌

Speaking Tips | Online Visibility | Online Business Growth | Brand Growth | Storytelling | Video Marketing | Hustle Free
Copyright Jaya Rose
  • #128 | TikTok Ban, Meta + Being Visible in Your Brand
    Today I'm talking about the potential TikTok band, how I'm dealing with it and my approach to Meta. Along with just the shit show that is happening currently. I know that sounds doom and gloom, but I think this episode will actually give you some focus and hope!

    If you are new here, welcome to the Influential Speaking Brand Podcast, with me, Jaya Rose! You are in the right place if you are an impact-driven entrepreneur building an Influential personal brand. On the show, we talk about growing your brand with strategic visibility and embodied magic!

    JOIN THE WELL KNOWN MEMBERSHIP: https://thejayarose.com/the-bw

    Please share this episode on your social media or with a friend who will benefit from it!

    Get Social with Jaya Rose!

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/with...

    TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/withjay...

    FB Personal Page: (follow): https://www.facebook.com/jaya....

    Website: https://thejayarose.com/START-...

    Contact Email: mailto:jaya@thejayarose.com

    Please don’t pitch yourself (or your clients) to the show. Jaya hand selects interviews and does mostly solo shows. Emailing a pitch WILL NOT help your chances of getting on the show.

    Subscribe to the Podcast! CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE!
    If you would like to get automatic updates of new podcast episodes, you can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher. You can also subscribe to the podcast app on your mobile device.

    Leave us an iTunes review! CLICK HERE TO LEAVE A REVIEW!
    Ratings and reviews from our listeners are extremely valuable to us and greatly appreciated. They help our podcast rank higher on iTunes, which exposes our show to more awesome listeners like you. If you have a minute, please leave a review on iTunes.

    Video marketing, online visibility, personal branding, speaking, camera confidence
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    23 分
  • #127 | The story of Influential Speaking
    In this premiere episode of Influential Speaking with Jaya Rose I am sharing the story of how I created Influential Speaking and how you can benefit from being here. Tune into the next 4 episode where I will be breaking down the ISB method and how it can help you become more influential, visible and successful on your terms.

    Work with me in The Influential Mastermind:
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    25 分
  • BW #126 | 3 Core Beliefs I Shifted That Helped Me Get Visible & Go From Making 30k a Year to Multi 6 Figures
    Whew!! I can almost guarantee you're going to relate to these mindset shifts. These three things held me back for so many years from actually going for my dreams. And this episode of the BW podcast I'm breaking down how I shifted them through action and healing.

    The Being Well Known Membership is open for enrollment, and there are multiple bonuses you're not gonna wanna miss!

    Learn more here: beingwellknown.com
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    15 分

