
  • Leading Humanely--Getting your Black Belt in Leadership

    Achieving a black belt in the martial arts requires years of training, dedication, practice and personal evolution. The primary evolution centers around moving from a primary focus on self-achievement to a transcending focus  that centers on improving the life-circumstance of others. This self-actualization or transcendence defines what it means to achieve the rank of black belt. The same is true in leadership. Successful leaders move from a focus on their personal success to the success of those they lead. Tune into this podcast to learn how to become a black belt in leadership and lead humanely.

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  • Life Transitions--From WHAT you do to WHO you are!

    Life transitions are often extremely difficult for people. The difficulty often stems from an inability to recognize that "what"  they do may be different from "who"  they really are. By focusing on the "why" we do things, or the innate calling of our job or profession, we can separate out who we are and our clear purpose from the mere language of the J.O.B., or the What we do in life. Tune in to this podcast to discover how searching for the real you, the "who" you really are, will aid you in major life transitions by separating the language of the "what"  and "how" from your true underling purpose- your "why".

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    12 分
  • Listen to your Gut! Trust your Innate Intuition.

    In the martial arts we train our students to trust their instincts about people, places and things. The best self defense is being aware of your surroundings and  listening to your "gut feelings". Author Gavin de Becker, in his book, The Gift of Fear, writes about how our primitive brain drives our "Fight or Flight instinct" for survival and our cortex  or "human brain" provides our problem solving and rational thinking. Listen to this podcast to learn how trusting your gut and resisting the trap of inappropriately rationalizing that things are "ok", will keep you safe in all aspects of your life.  

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  • Riding the Stallion--Managing Conflict

    Inevitably, we all experience conflict almost every day. It could be at work, school, or at home. Conflict, although anxiety provoking, is a means for personal growth. Tune into this podcast to learn different styles of dealing with conflict. We may use a direct approach, meeting the conflict head on. We may try a clever approach-avoiding the conflict by being innovative. Or-we may adapt a child-like demeanor and use vulnerability and a peaceful calm to build a relationship to manage the conflict. 

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    11 分
  • Mind Like Moon--Mind Like Water

    Samurai warriors were taught to create a hyper- state of awareness by clearing their mind creating a state referred to as "Mushin". This state of "no mind" improved the warrior's ability to be overcome their opponent in battle. The teaching comes from a concept termed "Mind Like Moon--Mind Like Water. Tune into this podcast to learn how this ancient training may improve our insight to living a happy and fulfilling life.

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  • Moving through Life with Good Intent

    We all remember the old western movies where there is a barroom brawl. Inevitably, one of the characters throws a punch and when his target moves out of the way he tumbles uncontrollably over the bar crashing into the glassware! This is moving with ill intent. There was not stability and the intent was to do harm. In the martial arts, moving with good intent means we are firmly grounded, with our mind's eye on the floor, not the punch or kick.  Moving with good intent implies we are firmly rooted and grounded in all of  our actions. Tune into this podcast to learn how to move with good intent in life, firmly grounded with a strong foundation of character, and purposeful living. 

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    10 分
  • Falling like a Ball

    In the martial arts we teach the skills of how to fall on the ground safely to avoid injury. We tuck our chin to our chest and round the surface of our back so we can dissipate the energy of the fall over the rounded surface of our back--much like rolling a ball. We prevent the energy of the fall from entering our bodies, and creating injury,  by forcing it to roll over our round surface.  We  stop our roll and give the fall-energy back to the earth by slapping the ground with our open hands and flat arms. Listen to this podcast to understand how we may manage difficult conversations and insults by not accepting the negative energy inside and letting it roll over our external surface without taking it in to create harm.  Be like the ball :-)

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    8 分
  • The Value of Tradition in our Modern World

    Tradition brings great joy and value in many societies across the world. Tradition aligns practices and beliefs and contributes to a feeling of comfort in the familiar.  It is also important to recognize that tradition is often a practice without a corresponding concern or purpose. Sometimes we do things because "we have always done it that way around here". Listen to this podcast to better understand how to create meaning by aligning concerns with actions or practices. Discover the concept of Shu-ha-ri and how one moves from a foundation of tradition to break free and innovate with purpose. 

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