Dave Tonge is a jobbing teller of tales. An itinerant journeyman who performs at festivals,museums, heritage sites and schools. From Lindisfarne Holy Island in the north, to ArundelCastle in the south, he works regularly for English Heritage and national museums like theAshmolean and British Museum. He has written three books, Tudor Folk Tales, NorfolkFolk tales for Children and Medieval Folk tales for Children, with a forth, Trickster TalesFrom Many Lands, due in 2025. Dave specialises in telling period rich and often irreverenttales shared by the poorer folk long ago, at heritage sites and is particularly interested inbringing storytelling to wider non storytelling audiences. But he can also be heard atstorytelling events including Taffy Thomas’s Tales in Trust, Festival at the Edge and SettleStorytelling Festival. That said, many of his performances still have an historical flavourwith sets like Tavern Yard Tales and Dame Fortunes Wheel.https://www.facebook.com/dave.tonge.3https://www.instagram.com/davetongestoryteller/Copies of my books can be brought via the History Press Website..