In today's Horse Mysteries Solved podcast, I talk about how horses should NOT be backsore.
Because their back muscles are at rest while they are standing.
Yes, at rest.
So why do they get sore? And, if sore, why don't they heal?
Hear some reasons and what to do about them.
Links mentioned:
Rib checkup video: https://wheredoesmyhorsehurt.com/how-to-videos/
Sternum checkup in this video series: https://www.tuckerbiokinetic.com/#taster
Recommended selenium: https://dynamitespecialty.myvoffice.com/ShoppingCart/index.cfm?FuseAction=CategoryShop&OwnerID=8155&CategoryID=94
Recommended Liver product: https://shop.tuckerbiokinetic.com/
Cheers to the truth getting out,
Renee Tucker, DVM
Tucker BioKinetic University