
  • E25 Brief Concept Exploration: Forensic Autopsy (Short)

    You've seen it on TV, right? Those crime shows where they zoom in on a tiny blood spatter or some weird-looking bruise and suddenly, bam, they know exactly what happened. But have you ever stopped to think about the actual people behind that drama?
    I’m talking about forensic pathologists. These are the real-life CSI folks, except instead of just looking cool under pressure, they're dealing with the real, gritty stuff: dead bodies. Their job is to figure out why someone bit the dust.
    In our last few episodes, we specifically got into some of the forensic analyses that were done to determine the events leading up to the unfortunate ends of our main characters. While doing that research, I started really getting into the guts (pun intended) of what all takes place in these autopsies and their subsequent reports.
    They don’t just look at the body from the outside; they dive deep. They cut people open, examine their organs, and basically play Sherlock Holmes with a cadaver. It's way more intense than any TV show can really capture.
    So, yeah, it's gross. But it's also incredibly fascinating. These doctors are like puzzle masters, piecing together the story of someone's final moments. They’re the ones who can give families answers, help cops catch killers, and even prevent future tragedies. Sure a forensic pathologist may never be at risk of killing one of their patients, but if they make the wrong call, innocent people can get hurt.
    Want to know more about these real-life crime solvers? Stick around for today’s episode of Idiopathic..

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    44 分
  • E24.2 Lyudmila Dubinina: Dyatolov Pass (Part 2)

    In part one of our adventure into the Dyatlov Pass incident, we got to set the scene for our main character, Lyudmila Dubnina and her fateful companions. In January 1959, amongst the Ural Mountains, nine experienced mountaineers were driven from their tent in the middle of the freezing cold night where they ultimately perished.
    Their bodies weren’t found for weeks (in some cases months) later and piecing together just what happened isn’t as easy as it seems. For years, folks have been fascinated by this story and figuring out what exactly happened here. Everything from natural weather to government to aliens and yetis have been considered as possible explanations.
    However, the mystery still eludes, though some think they’ve pinned it down. So join us today as we continue our expedition into the icy cold Urals of Northern Russia on today’s episode of Idiopathic..

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    1 時間 29 分
  • E24.1 Lyudmila Dubinina: Dyatolov Pass (Part 1)

    In the heart of Russia's desolate Ural Mountains lies Kholat Syakhl, a peak that’s as covered in snow as it is mystery and dread. Locally known to the Mansi people as the "Dead Mountain," its name is a reminder of the terrible events that unfolded there.
    In 1959, a group of young, experienced hikers ventured into this icy wilderness, seeking adventure. But their expedition turned into a nightmare. When the group didn’t return by the date they were expected, a search party was sent out. Their tent found slashed open from the inside. When their bodies were discovered, they bore horrific injuries. Lyudmila Dubnina, our focus of the day, was apparently the worst off of all for reasons nobody could quite figure. The strange circumstances of their deaths remain unexplained to this day.
    Ever since the Dyatlov Pass Incident, Kholat Syakhl has been a magnet for fear and fascination. Theories about what befell the hikers, from avalanches and hypothermia to the more extraordinary - alien abduction, military experiments, or even a yeti. So what happened to the Dyatlov hikers on Dead Mountain? Maybe we’ll find out on today’s episode of Idiopathic..

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    1 時間 21 分
  • E23 Brief Hystory: Hysteria (Short)

    For centuries, women's bodies have been treated as mysteries, often blamed for inexplicable ailments. ​​Today we’ll talk about the origins of hysteria, the dangerous treatments endured, and the lasting impact these misconceptions have had on healthcare.
    Get ready to question everything you thought you knew about female anatomy and psychology. We'll get to see how hysteria was used as a tool of control, how women were treated as mere vessels, and how these ancient misconceptions continue to shape healthcare (particularly in the US) today.
    From the ancient Greeks blaming women's ailments on a "wandering womb" to the Middle Ages' witch hunts, the history of women's health is a rollercoaster of misinformation and mistreatment.
    Join us as we explore a dark side of medicine and uncover the shocking ways women's bodies have been misunderstood and exploited on today’s episode of Idiopathic…

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    30 分
  • E22.2 Gloria Ramirez: Poisoning at Riverside Hospital (Part 2)

    On the last episode of Idiopathic, we learned about the case of Gloria Ramirez– a 31 year old mother with cancer who was brought into the Riverside General Hospital in February of 1994. Unfortunately, Gloria would not make it through the night. Her visit to the hospital that night would not be so quickly forgotten.
    As the medical team worked on Gloria, they started noticing some strange things. Gloria had an oily sheen about her and a garlicky-fruity odor emanated from her mouth. Furthermore, when given an IV and blood draw, folks started noticing a strange ammonia-like smell. Not long after, those working closest to Gloria weren’t feeling so well and some even began to lose consciousness. Some even required hospitalization.
    All in all, 23 out of 37 ER staff experienced some symptoms after Gloria’s visit. Even though investigation was carried out by the coroner, toxicologists, hazmat, the hospital, and even an independent laboratory– no real conclusive evidence was found. The department of health and human services deemed it a case of mass psychogenic illness, but others weren’t so quickly convinced that this was all in their heads. So what else might have been going on here? Hopefully we’ll find out on todays episode of Idiopathic!

    Co-Host Info:

    Dr. Sarah Kashdan is a registered naturopathic doctor and licensed acupuncturist in Fort Collins Colorado. Dr. Kashdan practices a whole-body multisystem approach to healthcare using several modalities such as diet, lifestyle, nutrition, and herbal medicine. Dr. Kashdan also has degrees in environmental health and toxicology and is a certified mold-literate provider. Dr. Kashdan can be found at Rocky Mountain Natural Medicine. Her instagram is @coloradonaturedoc
    Clinic website: ⁠⁠https://www.fortcollins-naturalmedicine.com

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    1 時間 9 分
  • E22.1 Gloria Ramirez: Poisoning at Riverside Hospital (Part 1)

    Here at idiopathic, we’re big fans of the strange and unexplained, particularly when it comes to paranormal. But sometimes, the most haunting accounts come from situations that hit much closer to home. They’re modern and contain details that seem like they could easily happen to any of us. Today’s story is one of those.
    Gloria Ramirez checked into a California hospital in early 1994. The events that followed have landed her on many lists of unexplained deaths since. As they began their routine care, hospital staff started noticing some things that were anything but routine. Strange smells were just the start of the events that would send five hospital staff to the ER themselves and leave 23 ill after being near her.
    So what was going on with the woman dubbed ‘The Toxic Lady’? Hopefully we can find out on today’s episode of Idiopathic..
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    34 分
  • E21 Brief Concept Exploration: Venn Diagram of the Undead (Short)

    Today folks, we have a fun one for you. After talking about the differences and similarities between zombies, mummies, and vampires over several weeks, I thought heck– why not explore them deeper! Then, dear friends, I stumbled into a goldmine of insights into what these monsters are, what they reflect, how they eat, think, live– oh wait. .maybe not that last one.
    Up first, we’re going to lighten the mood a bit with our Undead Workforce Recruitment team.. Because after that, we have to talk about risk, morality, and death. (Sorry.) We’ll have some fun along the way though, I promise. So join us as we explore the undead in all of their data driven diagram glory– on today’s episode of Idiopathic..

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    38 分
  • E20.2 Clairvius Narcisse: Zombies (Part 2)

    On our last episode of Idiopathic, we visited 1980’s Haiti. As Angelina Narcisse, went about her daily routine, she found herself looking into a face she thought she might never see again in this life - her brother Clairvius, who had been buried in 1962.
    Now, that alone could be brushed off by easy explanations, but the villagers around them recognized Clairvius too. And the conclusion for them was clear: Clairvius was a zombie, brought back from the dead by a bokor.
    Join us as we continue our exploration of Haitian zombie making, science, and superstition, on today’s episode of Idiopathic..

    Co-Host Info: Dr. Sarah Kashdan is a registered naturopathic doctor and licensed acupuncturist in Fort Collins Colorado. Dr. Kashdan practices a whole-body multisystem approach to healthcare using several modalities such as diet, lifestyle, nutrition, and herbal medicine. Dr. Kashdan also has degrees in environmental health and toxicology and is a certified mold-literate provider. Dr. Kashdan can be found at Rocky Mountain Natural Medicine. Her instagram is @coloradonaturedoc
    Clinic website: ⁠⁠https://www.fortcollins-naturalmedicine.com⁠⁠
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    1 時間 8 分