Imperial College London: Careers & Opportunities - an AcademicJobs.com Podcast
Imperial College London has diverse career opportunities, with a focus on hybrid working models and the Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) for international researchers. This AcademicJobs.com Podcast emphasises Imperial's commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion. Furthermore, it showcases notable alumni and compelling reasons for academics to join, including research excellence, global impact, and a vibrant London location.
Hybrid Working & Work Location Framework:
- Imperial College is currently trialling a Work Location Framework, which considers hybrid working arrangements for some roles.
- A minimum of 40% of working time must be spent onsite, with an expectation that it will be 60% or more for roles with a hybrid working agreement.
- Hybrid working roles will be explicitly stated in the job advertisement, and working arrangements are discussed during the interview process.
- Quote: "Hybrid working may be considered for some roles when we expect a norm of 60% (or more) of your time onsite, with an absolute minimum of 40%."
- Key Takeaway: While flexible working is considered, Imperial College has a strong emphasis on in-person presence.
Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) for International Researchers:
- International researchers (PhD level or above) who will be conducting research in specific academic subjects/fields must obtain an ATAS certificate before applying for a UK Skilled Worker visa.
- This requirement applies to research, academic, engineering, and technician staff.
- Exemptions to the ATAS scheme may exist.
- Key Takeaway: International applicants should be aware of these visa requirements and plan accordingly.
Commitment to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI):
- Imperial College London actively seeks to foster a diverse and inclusive workplace.
- The institution emphasizes drawing upon talent from a variety of backgrounds.
- There is a stated commitment to equal opportunity, eliminating discrimination, and creating an inclusive environment.
- Candidates are encouraged to apply regardless of age, disability, marriage status, pregnancy, race, religion, gender reassignment, sex or sexual orientation.
- Quote: "We are an inclusive workplace, seeking out the creative vigour of diversity by being open to all people, whatever their background, experience or identity."
- Key Takeaway: Imperial is explicitly committed to creating a workplace that values diverse perspectives. They state the pursuit of excellence depends on their ability to engage with diverse staff.
Notable Alumni:
- The document highlights several influential alumni including:
- Sir Alexander Fleming: Discoverer of penicillin.
- H.G. Wells: Renowned science fiction author.
- Brian May: Guitarist from Queen with a PhD in Astrophysics.
- Sir Eric Ash: Prominent electrical engineer.
- Professor Alice Gast: First female president of Imperial and a chemical engineer.
- Key Takeaway: These alumni showcase the institution's legacy of producing leaders and innovators. It serves as a way of demonstrating the quality and prestige of the institution.
Reasons to Choose Imperial College London:
- Research Excellence: Imperial consistently ranks among the top research institutions globally.
- Global Impact: Research at Imperial contributes to real-world solutions and societal benefits.
- Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Encourages collaboration across various disciplines.
- Innovation Ecosystem: The location in London provides connections to startups, corporations, and cultural institutions.
- Diversity and Inclusion: Committed to fostering a welcoming and inclusive community.
- Teaching Excellence: Ensures a strong impact on the next generation of leaders.
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