This week on the Race to Wellness Podcast we are talking about all things Imposter Syndrome. What it means, how to tell if you are experiencing it, and how to overcome those feelings so that you can show up as the knowledgeable and confident person you are meant to be. If you ever struggle with feeling inadequate in areas of your life where you know that you have worked to build your knowledge, this episode is for you.
If you would like to work with Heather, you can contact her through her website or Facebook page.
Website: Savage Health https://www.savagehealthllc.com/
Facebook: Savage Health LLC | https://www.facebook.com/HeathertheSavage
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Mentioned in the Episode and Supplemental Articles:
Different Types of Imposter Syndrome - https://www.themuse.com/advice/5-different-types-of-imposter-syndrome-and-5-ways-to-battle-each-one
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome - https://www.apa.org/monitor/2021/06/cover-impostor-phenomenon
Imposter Syndrome & Burnout - https://makeadifference.media/mental/how-imposter-syndrome-is-driving-burnout/#:~:text=Imposter%20syndrome%2C%20which%20causes%20employees,burnout%20in%20the%20past%20year.