
  • Stories to Live By - The Parables of Jesus - Lesson 3

    Lesson 3 - Stories About Who’s In and Who’s Out … Understanding God’s Guest List

    The Pharisees made a great show of entertaining one another; and the guest lists for their dinners were all about who was “in” and who was “out.” So when they invited Jesus to dinner, they never expected what He would have to say about their guest lists — or how they compared to the one God has. It was a very interesting evening.

    To learn more about Michele or to support this international ministry please visit https://intheword.com

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  • Stories to Live By - The Parables of Jesus - Lesson 2

    Lesson 2 - Stories About Lost Things … Understanding God’s Love For Us

    Jesus talked about a very common experience in this set of parables in Luke 15 — the loss of something precious and valuable. He began with a sheep, then moved on to a coin, and ended with a son. Who could not identify with one or all of them? But as always, Jesus had a point beyond the details. He wanted His listeners to think beyond the lost things themselves to who was doing the seeking in each case — and why. Who among His listeners would really hear what He was saying?

    To learn more about Michele or to support this international ministry please visit https://intheword.com

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  • Stories to Live By - The Parables of Jesus - Lesson 1

    Lesson 1 - Stories About Listening … Understanding God’s Word

    Jesus often used familiar, everyday situations to teach His followers powerful truths. These parables may be very familiar to us but because they are rooted in the culture of His day and not our own, we often miss His point. Our modern, western minds get in the way! Join us in this eight-week study of the Parables of Christ and learn how to follow Him in ways you might never have imagined!

    To learn more about Michele or to support this international ministry please visithttps://intheword.com

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  • Lesson in Leadership

    Exodus 17:8-16. This short passage of Scripture teaches us so much about Biblical Leadership. You will be challenged and encouraged all at the same time!

    For more about Michele or to support this international ministry please visit https://intheword.com

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  • A Special Christmas Message 2024

    Have you noticed how little is mentioned in Scripture about people ever giving gifts to Jesus? It seems to me that folk wanted far more from Him than they were ever willing to give Him and I guess things haven't changed much 2,000 years later! Join me for this encouraging Christmas message!

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  • The Life of the Prophet Elijah - An Example in Perseverance - Lesson 4

    Lesson 4 - An Example in Perseverance

    1 Kings 21:1-28; 1 Kings 19:19-21 and 2 Kings 2:1-15. Elijah was an incredible man of prayer. He knew what it was like to persevere even when he was hated and rejected for his relationship with God. Choosing not to see it as the end of his usefulness to God, he was willing to see God’s bigger picture and humbly invest in the life of his successor, Elisha.

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  • The Life of the Prophet Elijah - When Fear Overwhelms and Depression Sets In - Lesson 3

    Lesson 3 - When Fear Overwhelms and Depression Sets In

    1 Kings 18:40-19:18.

    As Christ followers, we know that the extremes of life teach us to trust Him, they draw us closer to Him, and conform us to His likeness. Elijah shows us what to do when those dark moments happen in our lives. God is never going to forget us! In fact, the Lord often uses those valleys to take us on to higher places, if only we will put our trust in Him and obey His Word.

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  • The Life of the Prophet Elijah - An Exceptional God - Lesson 2

    Lesson 21 - An Exceptional God

    Kings 17:12-18:40.

    Elijah knew that nothing is impossible for God. In his encounter with the prophets of Baal we learn the truth that all religions are not the same and that enthusiasm and great activity are not always signs of spirituality! The prophets of Baal were no doubt sincere in what they believed, but it is possible to be sincerely wrong! People can have faith, but what truly matters is the object of that faith!

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