
  • 0206. In Charge

    Special guest Alex Moore joins Evan on talking about their shared experience in an office environment with a boss that had very few leadership qualities.  But what are leadership qualities, anyway?  What makes a great leader?  How were Alex and Evan great leaders?  Were they even great leaders at all?  Listen in, subscribe to the show, and weigh your own experiences against theirs.

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  • 0205. CInemas

    Michael Callahan joins Evan in talking about going to the movies!  Both have had amazing experiences in the theaters and fear that this may be coming to an end.  Take a walk with them down memory lane and listen-in on what it's like to visit the big screen.  Check out the episode, subscribe to the channel, and let us know what you think in the comments!


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  • 0204. PrInciples

    Special guest, Imran Haider, returns to talk with Evan about our principles and how we treat others.  Do we connect this to sports?  Of course!  Have a listen to the episode, subscribe to the show, and check out our companion YouTube page for exclusive clips.

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    56 分
  • 0203. WorkIng Mom

    Special guest, Kristina Coulter, joins Evan as they discuss what it's like to be a working mom and a stay-at-home dad.  What are the struggles?  What are the benefits?  And what was discussed with each of their partners to arrive at this point in their lives.  Listen to the episode, subscribe to the show, and download other great Inconsideration discussions.  Also, check out Inconsideration's YouTube channel for clips of the show! (@inconsiderationpod)

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  • 0202. SIngle

    Special guest, Emy Yanez joins Evan on the show!  They discuss what it means to not get married, and how that decision shapes Emy's personal identity.  Is she happy?  Does she want marriage?  And how does that effect her choice of having children?  All of this is explored in this episode, so listen in as they break it all down and talk about a less tradition life path.  

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    58 分
  • 0201. HirIng

    Imran Haider returns with a friend! Olivia Vollan is a professional recruiter and her expertise will help us understand the world of finding a job, values of working conditions, and her process to connect people to the right companies.  Listen-in to our discussion about the world of job hunting.

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    56 分
  • 0114. DenomInation: Christianity

    My good friend, Corey, joins me to talk about the traditions of the Christian people.  Listen and learn about Corey's experience in the religion and his understanding of what it means on the big stage of life.  When this is all done, you're going to find out that the core values, and even some of the stories and traditions, aren't so different after all.  This is Part 3 of my Denomination mini-series: Christianity.

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    1 時間 5 分
  • 0113. DenomInation: Islam

    My good friend, Imran, joins me to talk about the traditions of the Muslim people.  Listen and learn about Imran's experience in the religion and what his understanding of what it means on the big stage of life.  When this is all done, you're going to find out that the core values, and even some of the stories and traditions, aren't so different after all.  This is Part 2 of my Denomination mini-series: Islam.

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    1 時間 8 分