It's often been said that people do business that they know, like and trust. It's certainly true of influencing others too. The more that someone likes you, the more likely they are to do the thing you ask. However, there needs to be an elegance in this. Are you a likeable person? I can't teach you how to be likeable but recognising the importance of likeability to give you an edge in any influence attempt will certainly be added glue for the other elements of the principles of persuasion.
To bring Duncan to your event as an Influence Speaker, Sales Speaker, Change Speaker Motivational speaker or Leadership speaker then get in touch and Duncan would love to help.
Duncan helps brands, companies, teams and leaders become more persuasive and more effective through what they say and how they act to give them the edge.
Find out more about influence, principles of persuasion, and effective influence here:
motivational speaker Dubai
motivational speaker London
motivational speaker Singapore
Influence Association