Inside the mind of the one that goes inside the athlete’s mind
I used to think sports psychology was woowoo
I tried it once for a minute and wrote it off
Yet there is a reason why many professional sports now have their own highly skilled staff looking after their players mental well being
Because without it then you will never see a peak physical performance
And on today’s episode of Always Another Game Podcast I have the pleasure of talking to Manchester Storm Ice Hockey Club’s Well Being Consultant Liz Stewart
I broke a few of my own rules here today because Liz didn’t grow up with a sporting story
Yet she is involved in one of my core values of this podcast and that is supporting and looking after the well being on not just Ice Hockey Players but athletes
We discuss today the importance of the players having someone they trust they can talk to
And how priceless it is for a coach and organisation to have a person involved in your team getting the best out of your players
If you have every been interested in how your mental performance hugely affects your physical
Then you’re going to want to glide on over to hear what Liz has to say
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