Do you find yourself so distracted during the Christmas season that you actually miss the whole meaning of Christmas? How do we focus on what is important when so many things are being thrown at us at once? Tina and Britt are giving you some practical tips that will help you to keep Jesus in the center of the chaos. There are links to several things that you can use that will help you and your children intentionally keep Jesus at the center this Christmas.
The Glue That Binds Family Together podcast episode https://open.spotify.com/episode/4JhO1uZUJ5UGEOZHExCa97?si=d5c661735d26401a
Zoom Room link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/273129977?pwd=OEdMM2lYR3gvVXRoUHl6YW0wcmlEZz09
Finding Jesus https://seekhimfirst.com/products/finding-jesus/#41
Little Ones on Their Knees Prayer Journal https://RaisingKidsonYourKnees.org/little-ones-on-their-knees
Flying Arrow Productions