EPIC Education and Consulting is excited to announce the launch of MORE THAN A SCORE-A SPORTS MEDICINE PODCAST. The host of MORE THAN A SCORE is JD Boudreaux. The goal of this podcast is to share information on various sports medicine issues to educate community members and athletic participants while also assisting sports medicine professionals with career progression.
As a company, we hope that you find this information valuable. If you are looking for more information about our company or specific initiatives, please visit epiceducationconsulting.com. If you have content ideas for our podcast or feedback of any kind, you can reach us at boudreauxjd@gmail.com. Please share this new podcast with a friend. Make sure you also subscribe so you get notified as new episodes release. You can subscribe, rate, and review on iTunes or wherever you listen. We would be extremely grateful for that as your reviews help encourage others to listen in. Remember during sports participation, the health and safety of all participants should be an essential priority making the outcome of the activity MORE THAN A SCORE. We hope you join us for our next episode.