Today's episode is a special one! I have my friends, Lauren Mayer & Jenna Lockhart from Fit and Social, joining me to discuss their stories and passion for living intentionally and intuitively beyond hustle and diet culture.
Lauren & Jenna spent years buying into society's conventional hustle and diet culture. This meant being "consistent" as defined by societal norms, eventually resulting in burnout. After becoming completely depleted and worn out by hustle and diet culture, Lauren and Jenna have dedicated their work to tuning into their bodies and letting their intuition lead them to a life of wholeness. Now they are coaching women in how to listen to their bodies and paving a path to a new way of living.
Tune in to listen to their personal stories and what amazing program they are offering now!
How to find Lauren & Jenna:
Website: Fit and Social - Helping you evolve to an intuitive level of healing by filling the void between Diet Culture + Hustle Culture
IG: @fitandsocial
Podcast: DGAF: Demand Growth Act Fearlessly
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Where to find me:
Website: Very Grateful Mind
IG: @verygratefulmind