We’re shaking things up and doing something a lil’ different and fun for episode 111! If you’ve been stuck in the binge-restrict cycle, struggling with food guilt, or wondering if true food freedom is even possible for you — this is your sign. It’s time to start taking your food freedom journey seriously and take the next step you need to in order to heal.
In this episode, we’re diving into a little bit of the spiritual side of healing your relationship with food. We’ll talk about the deeper meaning behind 111 (hello, fresh starts!), the signs that your body and the universe (or whatever higher power you believe in) are nudging you toward healing, and how to step into a new chapter of trust, freedom, and self-compassion.
In this episode, we chat about:
- What 111 means & what it could mean for your food freedom journey
- How to listen to your intuition
- Signs that the universe (and your body) are nudging you to heal
- How binge eating recovery is all about rebuilding self-trust
- Journaling prompts to help you rebuild that self-trust, little by little
- A simple intention-setting practice to get clear about your next step toward food freedom
- 🍪 Join the Food Freedom Circle Membership
- 💗 Apply to Mind Body Magic 1:1 Coaching Support
- 🍦 Take the Free ‘Why Do You Binge Eat’ Quiz
- 📱 Connect with me on IG - @the.intuitive.nutritionist
- 🎧 Podcast Show Notes
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