A Joint Resolution of Disapproval has been submitted to disapprove the 32 CFR CMMC final rule. Is this the end of CMMC as we know it? Or, as is usually the case, has the ecosystem jumped to conclusions and let their confirmation bias get the better of them? This week we go deep into the Congressional Review Act and why there's much more to the story of Representative Palmer's resolution.
Pathfinder 101: https://www.summit7.us/pathfinder
Pathfinder Demo: https://youtu.be/JiDTCchfCa0?si=JJFplxSfvkaRVhRo
32 CFR CMMC Webinar: https://www.summit7.us/webinars/cmmc-32-cfr-final-rule
Palmer's Resolution: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-joint-resolution/221/text
GAO Report on the CMMC final rule: https://www.gao.gov/products/b-336776