It's another beautiful day in Orbit City and we welcome you back to Freelancing in Orbit City! Today we meet with Connor Williamson founder of All Bikes All Day apparel.
Talking with Connor is like talking to an old friend. We apologize now for getting off track. Today we chat about:
1. Should you have a plan b before you start freelancing or business building?
2. What are you willing to sacrifice and what you shouldn't sacrifice.
3. The power of authenticity
It was incredibly fun to meet with Connor and I am excited to bring him back for the weeks to come.
Connor's links:
Instagram @AllBikesAllDayNWA @NTXTaco
Eugene - TaskSaver - Orbit City
Twitter @eugene3614
email - eugene.calhoun@tasksaver.co
Apply to TaskSaver Academy today! www.tasksaver.co
Virtual Workspace: https://workfrom.com/@eugenecalhoun