
  • 154 - Quran - Surah 79 - An-Nazi'at - Those Who Drag Forth

    By those angels stripping out evil souls harshly,

    and those pulling out good souls gently,

    and those gliding through heavens swiftly,

    and those taking the lead vigorously,

    and those conducting affairs obediently!

    Consider the Day when the quaking Blast will come to pass,

    followed by a second Blast.

    The deniers’ hearts on that Day will be trembling in horror,

    with their eyes downcast.

    But now they ask mockingly, “Will we really be restored to our former state,

    even after we have been reduced to decayed bones?”

    Adding, “Then such a return would be a total loss for us!”

    But indeed, it will take only one mighty Blast,

    and at once they will be above ground.

    Has the story of Moses reached you O Prophet?

    His Lord called him in the sacred valley of Ṭuwa,

    commanding, “Go to Pharaoh, for he has truly transgressed all bounds.

    And say, Would you be willing to purify yourself,

    and let me guide you to your Lord so that you will be in awe of Him?’”

    Then Moses showed him the great sign,

    but he denied and disobeyed Allah,

    then turned his back, striving against the truth.

    Then he summoned his people and called out,

    saying, “I am your lord, the most high!”

    So Allah overtook him, making him an example in this life and the next.

    Surely in this is a lesson for whoever stands in awe of Allah.

    Which is harder to create: you or the sky? He built it,

    raising it high and forming it flawlessly.

    He dimmed its night, and brought forth its daylight.

    As for the earth, He spread it out as well,

    bringing forth its water and pastures

    and setting the mountains firmly upon it—

    all as a means of sustenance for you and your animals.

    But, when the Supreme Disaster comes to pass—

    the Day every person will remember all their striving,

    and the Hellfire will be displayed for all to see—

    then as for those who transgressed

    and preferred the fleeting life of this world,

    the Hellfire will certainly be their home.

    And as for those who were in awe of standing before their Lord and restrained themselves from evil desires,

    Paradise will certainly be their home.

    They ask you O Prophet regarding the Hour, “When will it be?”

    But it is not for you to tell its time.

    That knowledge rests with your Lord alone.

    Your duty is only to warn whoever is in awe of it.

    On the Day they see it, it will be as if they had stayed in the world no more than one evening or its morning.

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    32 分
  • 153 - Biblical Figures in Islam Part 30 – New Testament - Jesus Part 9 – The Islamic Jesus in Review

    A review of the Jesus portion of the series.... emphasizing key concepts and being brutally honest of the possibility of Christian-Muslim dialogue about Jesus.

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    23 分
  • 152 - Hadith - Because I Said So

    Muhammad, like an overwhelmed parent, tires of the constant questions... particularly those asked in bad faith.

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    10 分
  • 151 - Islamic History – 625-627 – Adding Wives and Raising Eyebrows Part 2

    Muhammad marries Zaynab, and we discuss the legacy of this action from several different perspectives.

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    28 分
  • 150 - Quran - Surah 80 - 'Abasa - He Frowned

    He frowned and turned his attention away,

    simply because the blind man came to him interrupting

    You never know O Prophet, perhaps he may be purified,

    or he may be mindful, benefitting from the reminder.

    As for the one who was indifferent,

    you gave him your undivided attention,

    even though you are not to blame if he would not be purified.

    But as for the one who came to you, eager to learn,

    being in awe of Allah,

    you were inattentive to him.

    But no! This revelation is truly a reminder.

    So let whoever wills be mindful of it.

    It is written on pages held in honour—

    highly esteemed, purified—

    by the hands of angel-scribes,

    honourable and virtuous.

    Condemned are disbelieving humans! How ungrateful they are to Allah!

    From what substance did He create them?

    He created them from a sperm-drop, and ordained their development.

    Then He makes the way easy for them,

    then causes them to die and be buried.

    Then when He wills, He will resurrect them.

    But no! They have failed to comply with what He ordered.

    Let people then consider their food:

    how We pour down rain in abundance

    and meticulously split the earth open for sprouts,

    causing grain to grow in it,

    as well as grapes and greens,

    and olives and palm trees,

    and dense orchards,

    and fruit and fodder—

    all as a means of sustenance for you and your animals.

    Then, when the Deafening Blast comes to pass—

    on that Day every person will flee from their own siblings,

    and even their mother and father,

    and even their spouse and children.

    For then everyone will have enough concern of their own.

    On that Day some faces will be bright,

    laughing and rejoicing,

    while other faces will be dusty,

    cast in gloom—

    those are the disbelievers, the wicked sinners.

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    23 分
  • 149 - Biblical Figures in Islam Part 29 – New Testament - Jesus Part 8 – Eschatology Part 3

    Going through the specifics of the Islamic second coming of Jesus.

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    20 分
  • 148 - Hadith - Religious Innovation

    Allah's Messenger said, "If somebody innovates something which is not in harmony with the principles of our religion, that thing is rejected."

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    10 分
  • 147 - Islamic History – 625-627 – Adding Wives and Raising Eyebrows Part 1

    Muhammad marries his son's ex-wife and the community erupts in scandal. This is his fifth wife and a major break from Arab tradition -- some in the community call it incest. This is what we know about how this situation came to be.

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    25 分