Let’s face it. We're living in very uncertain times and even though many of us who are in the online entrepreneurial space is somewhat sheltered from what is going on in the “real” world, we are not immune to feeling a wide range of human emotions. Even if you are a successful online entrepreneur and you have not been directly impacted economically by the events of the last 18 months, chances are you may be feeling overwhelmed, sad, or even downright angry at times. And, you know what? It’s all okay. You are, after all, a human being.
My business is doing better than ever, but that doesn’t mean that I take it for granted. It doesn't mean that I don't know that there are other things happening outside of my online space that is really affecting a lot of people worldwide. I think all too often, in this world of online entrepreneurship, in particular spiritual online entrepreneurship, there's this underlying tone that you have to be the bigger person. You have to be the one who always takes the higher road. You have to be the one who doesn’t dare talk about something because you're going to bring it into existence if you do. This is an erroneous belief that all the law of attraction and other woo-woo manifestation fanatics would like to project. They have this idea that if you talk about pain or you talk about suffering or you talk about illness or you talk about depression you're somehow manifesting all of that back into your life and I've got a little bit of a slightly different take on it.
I do believe that words are powerful. I do believe that visualization is equally powerful. I also know that to pretend like there aren't things happening around us that directly affect us is incredibly unhealthy. Not talking about the very things that are making us feel depressed or anxious or apprehensive or fearful is actually incredibly detrimental to our mental health. I believe that putting your head in the sand and using the spiritual card as your ticket to avoid anything that's not perfect and wholesome and good is a cop-out and an excuse to avoid really getting in touch with your emotions. You're just prolonging the inevitable because eventually your head comes out of the sand and as you look around you recognize that human suffering is all around. You simply didn't notice because you were so busy taking the spiritual high road you simply didn’t allow yourself to see it.
In reality, naming your emotions rather than pretending that you don’t have any is effective and healthy - not only for you but for the people who are in your life and who love you and care about you. I'm not saying to sit around and complain, bitch, moan and groan about all the atrocities in the world and then not do anything about it. That's not what I'm saying at all. There's some really hard shit going on and it is okay to talk about it. It's okay to get angry about it. It's okay to feel sad. It’s okay to feel afraid. Here's where the problem happens - it's not in feeling the emotion. The problem is in what we give to the emotion and what we attach to the emotion.
I want you to feel safe in being honest with yourself. If you're really feeling scared, if you're really feeling happy, if you're really feeling anxious just call it what it is. Don't pretend like it's not happening. You're not helping yourself and you're not helping the people that love you. Just allow yourself to be human, my friend.
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