Magic of Cozies Podcast is a podcast for the book lover of magic, paranormal, and fantasy cozies.
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Jo Buer is a gothic suspense and paranormal mystery author living in New Zealand. She is a sucker for the supernatural, time travel, and all things woo-woo. Jo lives in an ordinary house in an ordinary town with her husband and feline familiars, Atlas, G-IYA, Zeus, and Hades. When not doting on her cats, devouring self-help books or gorging on chocolate, she writes slightly dark, sometimes scary, often ghostly stories with a smattering of romance. Jo is the author of the Widdershins Magical Mystery series.
Where to find Jo Buer:
Website: https://jobuer.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jobuerauthor/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jobuerauthor