Timeline of Events in John 1:1-51
Before Time:
- The Word exists with God and is God.
- All things are made through the Word.
Unclear Timeframe (Prior to the events of the passage):
- John the Baptist is sent by God.
Day 1:
- Jewish priests and Levites question John the Baptist's identity.
- John identifies himself as a voice preparing the way for the Lord.
- John baptizes people in the Jordan River, including Jesus.
- John identifies Jesus as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
- John testifies that he saw the Spirit descend on Jesus like a dove, confirming him as the one who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.
Day 2:
- John the Baptist points out Jesus as the Lamb of God to two of his disciples, Andrew and an unnamed disciple.
- Andrew and the other disciple follow Jesus.
- Jesus invites them to "come and see" where he is staying.
- Andrew finds his brother Simon Peter and brings him to Jesus.
- Jesus renames Simon as Cephas (Peter).
Day 3:
- Jesus decides to go to Galilee.
- Jesus finds Philip and calls him to follow him.
- Philip finds Nathanael and tells him they have found the Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth.
- Nathanael is skeptical but agrees to come and see Jesus.
- Jesus declares Nathanael to be a true Israelite with no deceit.
- Nathanael, amazed by Jesus' knowledge, proclaims him as the Son of God and King of Israel.
- Jesus promises Nathanael that he will see even greater things, including heaven opened and angels ascending and descending on the Son of Man.
Cast of Characters:
1. The Word (Jesus Christ):
- Pre-existent with God and is God.
- Creator of all things.
- The light of men.
- Comes into the world as flesh (Jesus).
- Full of grace and truth.
- The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
- The one who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.
- The Messiah/Christ.
- The Son of God.
- The King of Israel.
- The Son of Man.
2. John the Baptist:
- A man sent from God.
- A witness to the light (Jesus).
- Baptizes people in the Jordan River.
- Identifies Jesus as the Lamb of God and the Messiah.
3. Andrew:
- A disciple of John the Baptist.
- Follows Jesus after John points him out.
- Brings his brother Simon Peter to Jesus.
4. Simon Peter:
- Andrew's brother.
- Brought to Jesus by Andrew.
- Renamed Cephas (Peter) by Jesus.
5. Philip:
- Called by Jesus to follow him.
- From Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter.
- Finds Nathanael and convinces him to meet Jesus.
6. Nathanael:
- Initially skeptical about Jesus.
- Impressed by Jesus' knowledge of him.
- Proclaims Jesus as the Son of God and King of Israel.
7. Priests and Levites:
- Sent by the Jews to question John the Baptist.
8. Pharisees:
- A Jewish religious group who sent representatives to question John the Baptist.
9. Unnamed Disciple:
- Present with Andrew when John the Baptist points out Jesus.
- Follows Jesus with Andrew.