Beyoncé’s rework of Jolene gets serious consideration in a wider discussion of relationships. Sexual politics. Venting basic emotions or letting them fester. Football and bullfighting might be a good channel for bad emotions which will find an escape somewhere maybe more dangerous. Purge and catharsis. . Spain and venting against officials once a year. The Avon Lady calling…actually Amazon delivering toilet paper and washing up liquid. Max Factor was not involved. The Scottish Hate Law having perverse consequences leading to outbreak of hate. Confrontations as a way of correcting bad behaviour. Impulsive behaviour, seeing red and heat of the moment. Criminal courts and displays of emotion. Perfection of society by new laws running up against human nature. Why not make adultery a crime? What impact would that have and does society know some wrongs cannot be contained. Taking it out on the punchbag and so much more….