We talked with Jorge Sanchez from the Utah National Guard about his career and upcoming retirement.
Episode Highlights
- Enlistment and service timeline.
- Deployment experience in Iraq.
- Transition from Marine Corps to Army.
- Recruiting for Army, pilot program insights.
- Career opportunities and education in the military.
- Unique civilian skills in the National Guard.
- Utah’s linguist advantage.
- Preparing for retirement.
- Language assumptions and mission experience.
- Advice for military hopefuls.
- Differences in age waivers by branch.
Episode Resources
- Connect with Neil Bryce, Jeff Beck and Greg Spencer
- Left of the Lake Podcast: https://www.facebook.com/groups/288869046622439/?ref=share
- https://www.instagram.com/accounts/login/?next=/leftofthelake/
- https://www.saratogasprings-ut.gov/284/Recreation