I. An Eschatalogical Poem: The Mountain of ADONAI will be Exalted (Isaiah 2:1-5) 1. Isaiah 2:1-5 (all Scriptures in TLV)
II. The Arrogance of Man will be Humbled (Isaiah 2:6-22) 1. Isaiah 2:11 2. Isaiah 2:12 3. Isaiah 2:22
III. Unworthy Leaders & a Society in Ruins (Isaiah 3:1-15) 1. Isaiah 3:8,9,11,12
IV. The Pride of the Nation will be Collapsed (Isaiah 3:16-4:1)
V. Another Eschalogical Poem: Redemption in Zion (Isaiah 4:2-6) 1. Isaiah 4:2 2. Isaiah 4:3
VI. A Poem of Rebuke (Part 1): The Parable of the Vineyard (Isaiah 5:1-7) 1. Isaiah 5:1-6 2. Isaiah 5:7
VII. A Poem of Rebuke (Part 2): A Series of Divine Complaints (Isaiah 5:8-24) 1. Isaiah 5:8-10 2. Isaiah 5:20 3. Isaiah 5:24
VIII. A Poem of Rebuke (Part 3): The Coming Disaster (Isaiah 5:25-30) 1. Isaiah 5:26