
  • A Paranormal Investigation with Elena Torres
    In this episode, Elena explains the details of her experience at a paranormal investigation in Cripple Creek, Colorado.
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    18 分
  • A Spiritual Encounter with Jeff Lippman
    In this episode, Jeff speaks about his experience with a dream, followed by a familiar visitor coming into contact. (You can hear more from Jeff @ Jeff Lippman's Garden of Doom Podcast)
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    11 分
  • A Strange Visitor with Emma Arangio
    In this episode, Emma shares the details on her children's creepy encounters throughout the night.
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    18 分
  • The Gifted and Talented Program with Anonymous
    In this episode, an anonymous guest speaks about his experience with a strange program he remembers from grade school. It's said that many others have suppressed the memories, and have experienced a similar situation. Are you one of them?
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    17 分
  • A Tale of Texas Road with Nicholas Hart
    In this episode, Nick talks about his experience on haunted Texas Road in Amherstburg, Ontario. K.G. and Nick then speak about their own recent personal experience together on the road.
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    30 分
  • A Visit From a Galactic Being with Sabine Poncelet
    In this episode, Sabine speaks about her work as a medium, and her encounter with an other-worldly being.
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    19 分
  • Unknown Entities with Emma Lewis
    In this episode, Emma explains of her experiences growing up with paranormal encounters.
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    8 分
  • The Haunted App (Randonautica) with Allia Lamont
    Allia & K.G. explain about their personal experience using the controversial app, Randonautica.
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    12 分