• Moving Through Resistance

    There is so much magic around us and within us to experience, and for those who dare to open and play with this magic will know just how special it is. When it comes to my coaching clients, some are super open to It - intuition, energy, signs, spirit, whatever you want to call 'It'. Then there are some clients who are logical thinkers, who know something is out there but are more afraid to welcome it into their lives. Their ego's spook them, telling them, "it's not safe", and so they rely on logic and what they know cognitively to guide them through life.

    I tell them, "if want something more, deeper and soulful for yourself, you have to be willing to trust a new way forward". They agree.

    If you are in this same position then today's episode will be great for you.


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    27 分
  • When Friendships Become Toxic

    I had a pattern of attracting in a BFF where we would become inseparable and then the friendship would die. Little did I know there was an unconscious belief going on that sought a BFF who could help me direct my life because I sure as hell didn't trust myself to run my life. There was a mutual dependency on one another and that eventually led to toxic ways of relating. Not being myself was a big contribution to the friendships being tumultuous and it was my responsibility to shift that.

    In today's episode I share how I began to trust myself and become an independent being and how I now see friendship. Enjoy!

    Web: katjohn.com.au
    Insta: @kat.john

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    24 分
  • Don't Be Afraid Of Anxiety

    Gabe is one hell of a guy. His energy and smile is infectious! He values connection and community which is a huge reason why he is the Founder of @heymate - an online Men's Health community, the Co-Founder of @the_finishr - a run club based down on the Victorian Surf Coast, and is a lululemon Ambassador.

    Whilst going for his own personal pursuits of happiness and potential, Gabe has needed to meet anxiety head on since a child after losing both his grandparents in a short amount of time. Not knowing how or who to express his emotions and feelings to, his thoughts turned on him, leading to anxiety and obsessive compulsive behaviours.

    He now learns to live with anxiety rather than run from it or fear it. A true warrior with the kindest heart.

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    1 時間 5 分
  • Using Intuition In Business

    Ruby Lee is a 7 figure intuitive business coach guiding soul led entrepreneurs to grow & earn authentically in their coaching practice online. 3 years ago she left her corporate job as a tech start up recruiter and today leads a freedom based lifestyle, travelling through Australia with her young family in tow.

    This woman and the way she goes about creating her life is uber inspiring! A must listen if you're done with the hustle life.

    Podcast: https://www.rubylee.co/podcast
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_rubylee_

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    52 分
  • Don't Allow Yourself To Suffer

    I experience anxiety pretty frequently. I can get anxious that I’m not doing enough, that I’m doing too much, that the house isn’t clean enough, that I have a full week of coaching and meetings, that I don’t have a full week of coaching and meetings AND SO MUCH MORE!

    I feel it in my chest. My breath becomes shallow and I’m breathing in my upper chest only and not into my belly. It gets real tight. Sometimes I do something to ease it - dance, listen to music, write the shit out that’s in my head, talk it out to Steve or just leave it alone and get on with my day with it there.

    I get anxious due to my beliefs and stories created by my ego that is never fking satisfied with now life “is”, or how life is changing or ANYTHING really! It finds something about me to pick on, my relationship to pick on, my business to pick on. As I move forward in life, it focuses on all that could go wrong. When I’m in my manifested reality, it wants the old life. If I stay still for a moment, it tells me I ain’t doing enough.

    There is just no winning with it!!

    So I know it’s there, doing it’s best to create angst and suck me into the angst. That’s where I’m most proud. The sucking in of the anxiety is no longer there. I feel it, I observe it and I choose what is best to do next. There is freedom in allowing anxiety to come up, be there and to powerfully choose what do to next.

    Website: katjohn.com.au

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    23 分
  • Embodying The Work Through Experience

    I love to learn through experiences. For me, it creates massive and immediate transformation in my body. It's not just my head learning something, it's an integrative process. I've made it my personal responsibility to bridge the gap between where I am and where I want to be and that's been my jam for over a decade now.

    Back in the day when I hated my body and disrespected my boundaries, I reached a point where I was so tired of the self hate. After a chat with the Universe and myself about wanting to shake this, signs started coming in about nude modelling. I took a big leap of faith and followed my intuition which led to incredible healing around my body and past traumas.

    Insta: kat.john
    Web: katjohn.com.au

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    33 分
  • Feeling Lost In New Territory

    I’ve been having chats with my future self and receiving guidance on the changes to make to live even more in alignment with my heart. After making the changes, I’m now in new territory of more space for myself and my default is to fill it with work. I asked for the change I’m experiencing, and with that change comes a rearranging of how I once lived to how I choose to live moving forward.

    I’m right in the midst of resistance and angst to the new reality I’ve created and I’m in the practice of being with this current state. Instead of avoiding or running away from it, I’m allowing it to be there because it’s simply part of the process. The less I fight it, the easier it will pass, because it always passes.

    Insta: @kat.john
    Website: katjohn.com.au

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    23 分
  • Make Yourself Matter

    I spent a lotta good years abandoning myself. Taking care of me wasn’t on the priority list, so you guessed it, everything or everyone came before me. The message I was sending was, “I don’t matter, I’m not important, I don’t have a backbone”. Speaking up and standing up for what I wanted felt too awkward, so I bid farewell to my sense of self.

    It’s taken a lot of years to find my way back and to stay true to the most basic and foundational work — taking care of myself. This looks like moving my body daily, giving my mind space in meditation or contemplation, having quality alone time and eating well. These are my absolute non-negotiables that I just won’t fk with anymore. No matter how full life gets, these stay!!

    This is sending a message that I matter, I’m important and I’m strong mentally to honour myself”. If you’re fking with your foundations, ask yourself what are your non-negotiables and choose one to focus on. Start somewhere.

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    19 分