
  • The final Wonderbun story. This time the dustcart was victorious.

    It was another trip to the Ford Motor Company, but it was not so funny this time.
    A moments inattention..........

    Thank you for listening to our Buzzsprout audio stories.
    You can follow many of these with added film and photographs as videos and slide shows
    on our YouTube Channel at "cracker books on youtube".

    WEB SITE CHANGE: New Web site at www.crackerbooks.fr

    At the same time, Cracker Books have produced 10 complete page turning
    e-books on their own Site.
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    Finally for lots of further information about what we publish and why
    have a look at our website at www.crackerbooks.fr

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    The title of this story in our books is "How Many Tablets," but I now prefer the title above!
    This is another Goliath and Bonnie story from Lincolnshire's Northcote Heavy Horse Centre in the 1990s.
    You can access Goliath's own online picture storybook from our
    Book Case site at http://online.flipbuilder.com/crackerbooks/

    All downloads are free and you can use any device you choose.
    There are 10 books on the bookcase, try a different one too!

    Thank you for listening to our Buzzsprout audio stories.
    You can follow many of these with added film and photographs as videos and slide shows
    on our YouTube Channel at "cracker books on youtube".

    WEB SITE CHANGE: New Web site at www.crackerbooks.fr

    At the same time, Cracker Books have produced 10 complete page turning
    e-books on their own Site.
    All the books are free to download to any device.
    Have a look at our bookcase and view all the book details.

    Finally for lots of further information about what we publish and why
    have a look at our website at www.crackerbooks.fr

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    Another Goliath and Bonnie story from Lincolnshire's Northcote Heavy Horse Centre in the 1990s.
    Drama and stress on a cold wet night.

    You can download Goliath's own online picture storybook from our bookcase site at:

    All downloads are free and there are 9 other books for you to look at.

    Thank you for listening to our Buzzsprout audio stories.
    You can follow many of these with added film and photographs as videos and slide shows
    on our YouTube Channel at "cracker books on youtube".

    WEB SITE CHANGE: New Web site at www.crackerbooks.fr

    At the same time, Cracker Books have produced 10 complete page turning
    e-books on their own Site.
    All the books are free to download to any device.
    Have a look at our bookcase and view all the book details.

    Finally for lots of further information about what we publish and why
    have a look at our website at www.crackerbooks.fr

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    It came about in 1986 and we were living close to Spilsby in Lincolnshire.

    Sir John Franklin, Spilsby’s most famous “son” was born there in 1786 and subsequently lost his life together with the rest of his crew and two ships, undertaking the expedition to find the “North West Passage” in 1848.

    This was the most sought after route “around the top of the World” which it was hoped, could allow vessels to reach the Pacific Ocean without having to risk that long, dangerous voyage around South America and “Cape Horn”.

    The actual history of these explorations are covered in many publications. Indeed the Internet’s Wikipedia has most comprehensive information.

    Back in Spilsby in 1986, the Mayor and Councillors were asked by the High Commission for Canada to commemorate the two hundredth anniversary of Franklin’s birth and indeed the High Commissioner Himself wished to attend.

    Thank you for listening to our Buzzsprout audio stories.
    You can follow many of these with added film and photographs as videos and slide shows
    on our YouTube Channel at "cracker books on youtube".

    WEB SITE CHANGE: New Web site at www.crackerbooks.fr

    At the same time, Cracker Books have produced 10 complete page turning
    e-books on their own Site.
    All the books are free to download to any device.
    Have a look at our bookcase and view all the book details.

    Finally for lots of further information about what we publish and why
    have a look at our website at www.crackerbooks.fr

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    7 分
  • A VERY UNUSUAL OPTHALMOLOGIST. Its a Rum Life In France, 2021.

    Back to that interview with my lady surgeon who happened to say, “well the only little problem you might have with the new lenses is that your extreme peripheral vision might be affected when driving in the dark.”

    “Oh that’s ok then, I replied. “I do not normally drive after dark and anyway the last time was for my last check up with Dr,…. my Opthalmologist last week when I got home at 1.30am in the morning.”

    “I.30am,” she exploded. “ Did I hear correctly, are you sure.”

    “Oh yes,” I continued. “ My appointment was for 10.30 pm oh and it was Saturday evening.

    When I arrived, there were 5 folk in front of me, which is normal. Then as you know that final examination before the operations is quite lengthy. I had to wait a bit before driving because of the drops in my eyes. I suppose it could have been nearer to 2am when I arrived home.”

    My surgeon was most surprised to say the least and completely dumbfounded.

    In fact she nearly fell off her stool!

    Thank you for listening to our Buzzsprout audio stories.
    You can follow many of these with added film and photographs as videos and slide shows
    on our YouTube Channel at "cracker books on youtube".

    WEB SITE CHANGE: New Web site at www.crackerbooks.fr

    At the same time, Cracker Books have produced 10 complete page turning
    e-books on their own Site.
    All the books are free to download to any device.
    Have a look at our bookcase and view all the book details.

    Finally for lots of further information about what we publish and why
    have a look at our website at www.crackerbooks.fr

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    10 分

    A story from the Northcote Heavy Horse Centre in about 2005.
    On a wet and windy night one of the horses managed to dislocate my right shoulder.

    Unfortunately, it was the same shoulder that I had broken when falling over "that" dog only a month previously.
    The story goes on as I travelled to my out patients appointment on my motor bike with the sling loose around my neck!

    Thank you for listening to our Buzzsprout audio stories.
    You can follow many of these with added film and photographs as videos and slide shows
    on our YouTube Channel at "cracker books on youtube".

    WEB SITE CHANGE: New Web site at www.crackerbooks.fr

    At the same time, Cracker Books have produced 10 complete page turning
    e-books on their own Site.
    All the books are free to download to any device.
    Have a look at our bookcase and view all the book details.

    Finally for lots of further information about what we publish and why
    have a look at our website at www.crackerbooks.fr

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    7 分
  • R.M.S. QUEEN MARY IN JEOPARDY Another Spike Jones story from Boston Grammar School in 1958.

    This is a re write of the story "Incident with Queen Mary."
    Just a few changes.
    It involves a contingent of CCF Naval Section Cadets let loose on HMS Vanguard while in Portsmouth Harbour.

    Thank you for listening to our Buzzsprout audio stories.
    You can follow many of these with added film and photographs as videos and slide shows
    on our YouTube Channel at "cracker books on youtube".

    WEB SITE CHANGE: New Web site at www.crackerbooks.fr

    At the same time, Cracker Books have produced 10 complete page turning
    e-books on their own Site.
    All the books are free to download to any device.
    Have a look at our bookcase and view all the book details.

    Finally for lots of further information about what we publish and why
    have a look at our website at www.crackerbooks.fr

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    11 分
  • WARP SPEED AT HARROGATE BUS STATION Harrogate, Yorkshire 1950

    This is a story about a Bus Journey, well several bus journeys really.
    A story of "Financial aspirations" of a 6 year old in 1950.

    The scene is Harrogate, Yorkshire, in the North of England. A very smart and affluent town with more Rolls Royce cars to the mile than any other town in England!

    All for the sake of a half penny!

    Thank you for listening to our Buzzsprout audio stories.
    You can follow many of these with added film and photographs as videos and slide shows
    on our YouTube Channel at "cracker books on youtube".

    WEB SITE CHANGE: New Web site at www.crackerbooks.fr

    At the same time, Cracker Books have produced 10 complete page turning
    e-books on their own Site.
    All the books are free to download to any device.
    Have a look at our bookcase and view all the book details.

    Finally for lots of further information about what we publish and why
    have a look at our website at www.crackerbooks.fr

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    7 分