
  • Christology, Part 3: "You may be gnostic if..."

    Gnostic thinking can creep into all of us, but the answer is simple — trust Jesus. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He sanctified both body and soul, and when we sin, our salvation isn't dependent upon some hidden, secret knowledge. We have something far greater — the Sacraments, where God's grace makes us new.

    Readings at this Mass: Jer 17:5–8 | 1 Cor 15:12, 16–20 | Lk 6:17, 20–26

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  • Christology, Part 2: Covenantal Way of Being

    This covenantal way of being requires us to see salvation as more than just reaching the end goal, heaven, but as new way of being, in which we see Christ in ourselves and in others. This week, in everything that you do and in every interaction that you have with others, see if you can identify whether it is transactional or covenantal. If it is transactional, ask God to help you transform your mind and move toward seeing Christ in you and in others.

    Readings at this Mass: Is 6:1–2a, 3–8 | 1 Cor 15:1–11 | Lk 5:1–11

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    12 分
  • Christology, Part 1: Introduction

    The wholeness, the peace, the fullness of life for which we all long only comes from being connected to God. Communion with Jesus is the key to our salvation; He unites in Himself both humanity and divinity. The more deeply we enter into relationship with Him, the more He can draw us into the Father’s embrace.

    Readings at this Mass: Mal 3:1–4 | Heb 2:14–18 | Lk 2:22–40

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  • "Rejoicing in the LORD must be your strength!"

    It's easy to praise God when things are good and going our way. I want to encourage you to also do it when things are hard. Don't forget that the Lord can take anything and use it for good. And when we turn to our loving God, He will help guide us and give us strength to endure.

    Readings at this Mass: Neh 8:2-4a, 5-6, 8-10 | 1 Cor 12:12-30 | Lk 1:1-4; 4:14-21

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  • Bring Jesus into it!

    Jesus wants to to make things better for us, to bless you and me in abundance, but we must invite Him in to do so. How short sighted are we to only ask for his help when we are desperate and not to invite him in all things! Whatever you are willing to bring to Him, however unimportant or mundane, He will transform. So make a “new year resolution” to bring Jesus into it, whatever you do in your daily lives.

    Readings at this Mass: Is 62:1–5 | 1 Cor 12:4–11 | Jn 2:1–11

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  • Resist becoming a practical atheist

    Jesus is real. His grace is real. He’s not sitting up there somewhere, watching to see if you can figure it all out on your own. He’s chosen to descend, to be your brother, to walk with you and face your deepest fears and failures with you. Resist the temptation to be a practical atheist. Don't just believe in God - live as if you believe. Sometime over the next few weeks, go to Confession and open your heart to Him. Let Jesus make a difference and be part of your daily reality.

    Readings at this Mass: Is 42:1–4, 6–7 | Acts 10:34–38 | Lk 3:15–16, 21–22

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  • All of Life is an Epiphany

    All of life is an epiphany - a revelation. Your very life is a gift from God, and none of us caused ourselves to come into being. When we embrace our role in God’s divine story and don’t fight against it, then we can see that everything - our lives and abilities, our world, our relationships - are a gift from Him. Give yourself away for God’s purposes. If it helps, put a sticky note on your bathroom mirror which says, "Life is not about you. It’s about God." Then, see what happens.

    Readings at this Mass: Is 60:1–6 | Eph 3:2–3a, 5–6 | Mt 2:1–12

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  • Mary, the Mother of God

    We honor Mary because she was given the gift to be the mother of Jesus - and he was the Son of God. It is right that we call Mary "the Mother of God", and we honor Jesus when we honor her. We don't confuse the honor we give her with the worship give to her Son. If we love Jesus, then we should honor all whom He loves. That includes Mary, his mother - the Mother of God.

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