
  • Giving in Secret Part 1: The Full Extent of His Love

    In today’s episode of Known and Loved we continue our series, A Secret Life, based on the teachings of Jesus in Matthew chapter 6. In this series we are examining the question: How do we deepen our relationship with God and gain security in the truth that we are known and loved by him? We search for the answers to that question in this episode by examining the idea of pursuing a Secret life with God through our giving. Today we find that transforming lives comes from all aspects of giving. God doesn’t just want us to throw our money at things. He wants us to throw our lives and our hearts in with people. That means people will see it. The heart of Secret Giving is not that no one ever sees. It’s that you’re motivation isn’t in the being “seen.”

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    16 分
  • The Ambiance

    Today we aim to create the ambiance of The Secret Life. The goal is not to create a check-list, but rather to reorient our hearts. In this episode we unpack a couple of classics in literature that help illustrate how to motivate our hearts toward the pursuit of a Secret Life with God. In unpacking these great works of literature we will see reflections of the gospel that will help orient our hearts toward Jesus. In John 15:9 Jesus says: "As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love.” Jesus says “I love you like God loves you. Stay in relationship with me, stay close to me, stay wrapped in my love.” He is saying: I treasure you! Treasure me! I am the only treasure that can’t be devalued! I love you above all else! Love me above all else! I call you precious, you are my own, make me your own! I am your One True treasure, your one true friend and your one true love!

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    27 分
  • A Secret Life - The Invitation

    In today’s episode of Known and Loved we begin a new series called A Secret Life based on the teachings of Jesus in Matthew chapter 6 on the spiritual disciplines of giving, praying and fasting. In this series we will be examining the question: How do we deepen our relationship with God and find security in the truth that we are known and loved by him? We will explore the answer to this question as we look at the pursuit of a secret life with God. Today we find that in Matthew 6 Jesus is not giving us a list of “things to do” so that we can “get rewards.” He is issuing an invitation. This invitation is addressed specifically to you. It is an invitation for you to get alone with God. It is an invitation to intimacy, to go into the Secret Place of your heart with Him. It is in the Secret Place, in pursuit of A Secret Life that you come to know and love Jesus and grow to understand how deeply you are known and loved by Him.

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    21 分
  • Unshaken - Our One True Treasure

    In today’s Episode of Known & Loved we conclude our Rest Assured series.

    Colossians 2:3 refers to Jesus as: Christ in whom are hidden all the treasures. He is the ONE true treasure that will not fade away. Joy and pleasures forevermore are an unfading treasure for your eternity, but that richness is also available to you RIGHT now, in every moment that you place yourself in his presence. Where can we find pleasures forevermore? There is only one way. Jesus is the way!

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    28 分
  • Unshaken - Our One True Story

    Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, the story of his redemption of our souls, salvation for our lives and his coming again in glory is not just one more fairy tale to add to the heap. It is the one true story to which all other stories point. The Gospel is our bedrock for now and our hope for later. Those who know Jesus and call him Lord and Savior are a part of His Story. He is both our One True Story and our One True treasure. The question we must ask is this: How are we to live into the GREAT story?

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    17 分
  • Choose What Is Better

    Today we connect Psalm 16 with the story of Martha and Mary in Luke chapter 10. Here we find that each day we choose. We choose to run around by the tyranny of the urgent, fretting over things we cannot control and over the things we think we can control and all the “to do’s” on our list, and worry about not having enough time to do any of them. Or we choose the ONE THING we need- and sit at the feet of Jesus. Jesus even tells us which is the better choice— so choose what IS better!

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    15 分
  • Where's the Joy?

    Today we look to where we can find true joy. Psalm 16: 11 says: “In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” There is only one place where we can be filled with true joy! There is only one place where joy flows abundantly and eternally: In the presence of Jesus. If we struggle with experiencing true joy, we have to ask ourselves this tough question: Where am I? We have a choice each day— we can place ourselves in the presence of the Lord every day. If we make this choice we find true joy.

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    14 分
  • God is Big Enough

    In today’s episode of Known & Loved we look at who God is- and that He IS big enough. We examine His attributes and why we can trust Him, because not only is He eternal and outside of time, He intersected the timeline to rescue us!

    We also look at His intentions for us in times of suffering or difficulty. God intends for us to give thanks in all circumstances— to be praying continuously through every circumstance, never losing hold of the joy we have in Him, while giving thanks, not necessarily for the suffering, but even in the midst of it. Here we find Psalm 16:11 is true- You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

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