We talked with Kristen Jones. She helps people with anxiety and other issues by offering hair cuts in either their homes or her home.
Episode Highlights
- Teaching husband to style hair.
- Moving to Saratoga Springs in 2004.
- Winning at Utah State Fair for painting.
- Career journey in hairdressing.
- Opening a home salon.
- Color blends for men.
- Hair styling trends and client preferences.
- Horrible hair mistake story.
- Advice on finding a good stylist.
Episode Resources
- Connect with Neil Bryce, Jeff Beck and Greg Spencer
Left of the Lake Podcast: https://www.facebook.com/groups/288869046622439/?ref=share - https://www.instagram.com/accounts/login/?next=/leftofthelake/
- https://www.saratogasprings-ut.gov/284/Recreation
- Connect with Kristen Jones
- https://www.instagram.com/haircuts_by_kristen_ut/