If you're worried that your adult child is not moving forward toward adulthood, and they seem content to remain entirely dependent on you, rather then striving for personal, social & professional growth, than this episode of LAUNCH is for you. There are 15 signs on the Failure to Launch Checklist that will help you to determine if your adult child needs your support. Whether they are struggling with low self-confidence, have very little motivation, barely socializing, or unwilling to work, go to school, or contribute around the house, your adult child might be dealing with failure to launch. These are just a few of the signs. And although this is just a phase, they will have a hard time getting through it on their own. But they have you, and once you listen to this episode, you'll have a better sense of what's really going on. Remember, no one ever said that parenting is easy; especially when you're raising an adult!
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