WELCOME BACK I’m sorry its been so long but we are back with a very important episode. Today we are getting into the controversial owner of bot sentinel - Chris Bouzy and how he has somehow decided it is a good idea to go after the lawtubers. Specifically Nate the Lawyer. We’re talking about bankruptcy fraud (allegedly) and the defamation case Nate the Lawyer is bringing against Mr. Bouzy. Here’s hoping Mr. Bouzy doesn’t come after me and try to ban me from twitter like he did some other people today.
nate the lawyer re: explaining clipped video: https://youtu.be/_IPC0a2YKz8
Good Lawgic Video re: text thread about landlord: https://youtu.be/hRE8eosnGsA
Legal Mindset Video re: Nate v Bouzy: https://youtu.be/moNQcEnSyl4
Runkle’ s Video re: Bouzy misquotes TUG: https://youtu.be/XmPqFBBow24
Nate The Lawyer’s Site with Bouzy Documents: https://natethelawyer.locals.com/post/2794293/bouzy-bankruptcy-complaint-bot-sentinel
Rolling Stone: https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/youtube-hate-speech-targeted-harassment-study-bot-sentinel-1234590813/amp/
Washington Post article: https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/09/18/you-tube-mysogyny-women-hate/
Bot Sentinel report: https://botsentinel.com/reports/documents/youtube/report-09-13-22.pdf
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Email: Legallydirtyblondepod@gmail.com