
  • LIVE with The Famous Dr AL and Dr. Daryl Hoffman
    Introduction Dr. Allen Lycka Introduction of Dr. Daryl Hoffman, a Stanford-trained plastic surgeon certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Dr. Daryl Hoffman Greeting and thanks to Dr. Lycka. Career Beginnings Dr. Allen Lycka Question about Dr. Hoffman’s decision to become a plastic surgeon. Dr. Daryl Hoffman Inspiration from Dr. Dave Deville, a plastic surgeon from Stanford, during medical school.Followed in Dr. Deville’s footsteps and trained at Stanford. Transition to Aesthetic Surgery Dr. Allen Lycka Question about Dr. Hoffman’s involvement in aesthetic surgery. Dr. Daryl Hoffman Fellowship at Miami Beach with Dr. Larry Robbins.Personal anecdote about a patient’s positive experience with breast augmentation. Specialization in Breast Augmentation Dr. Allen Lycka Question about Dr. Hoffman’s specialization in breast augmentations. Dr. Daryl Hoffman 40% of his practice involves breast surgeries (augmentation, reduction, lift, reconstruction). Addressing Poor Cosmetic Outcomes Dr. Allen Lycka Discussing the correction of poor cosmetic surgeries. Dr. Daryl Hoffman Experiences similar to those on the TV show "Botched." Choosing the Right Cosmetic Doctor Dr. Allen Lycka Importance of selecting the right cosmetic doctor. Dr. Daryl Hoffman Recommendations on how to choose the right doctor: referrals, professional opinions, and experience. Evolution of Breast Surgery Dr. Allen Lycka Changes in breast augmentation techniques over the years. Dr. Daryl Hoffman Transition from silicone implants to saline and the advent of fat transfer for natural augmentation. Silicone Allergies and Immune Disease Dr. Allen Lycka Question about silicone allergies or silicone immune disease. Dr. Daryl Hoffman Difficulty in characterizing silicone-related illnesses and ongoing research. Saline Implants Dr. Allen Lycka Question about saline implants as an alternative. Dr. Daryl Hoffman Saline implants are part of the solution but not entirely free of complications. Psychological and Medical Suitability for Procedures Dr. Allen Lycka Challenges in screening patients for psychological and medical suitability. Dr. Daryl Hoffman Experience helps in making better judgments for patients’ suitability. Innovative Procedure: SVELT Dr. Allen Lycka Introduction of the SVELT procedure co-invented with Dr. Hoffman. Dr. Daryl Hoffman Explanation of SVELT (Small Volume Elective Lipo Transfer) for natural breast augmentation using fat transfer. Benefits of Fat Transfer Dr. Allen Lycka Discussing the advantages of fat transfer over implants. Dr. Daryl Hoffman Fat transfer provides natural results and longevity without the complications of implants. Fat Transfer for Facial Rejuvenation Dr. Allen Lycka Use of fat transfer for mid-face aging and volume loss. Dr. Daryl Hoffman Preference for fat transfer in significant volume loss cases, beneficial for skin quality as well. Combining Treatments for Natural Results Dr. Allen Lycka Combination of procedures for the best aesthetic outcomes. Dr. Daryl Hoffman Judicious use of skin tightening and fat replacement for natural-looking results. Growing Old Gracefully Dr. Allen Lycka Discussing how to grow old gracefully with natural-looking results. Dr. Daryl Hoffman Importance of choosing a natural approach and working with experienced professionals. Conclusion and Contact Information Dr. Allen Lycka Thanking Dr. Hoffman and providing his contact information. Dr. Daryl Hoffman Best way to reach him: www.DKHoffmanMD.comSpelling of his name and middle initial. BIO: Dr. Daryl Hoffman is Stanford-trained and certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. He uses the latest advances in cosmetic procedures to help patients achieve their aesthetic goals. Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/DarylKHoffmanMD/ https://www.dkhoffmanmd.com/
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  • LIVE with The Famous Dr AL and Jim Hardy

    Interview with Jim Hardy on Bob Hope Legacy


    • Host: Dr. Allen Lycka
    • Guest: Jim Hardy, part of the Bob Hope legacy
    • Topic: Behind-the-scenes insights into Bob Hope's career and legacy

    Who Was Bob Hope?

    • Bob Hope was a monumental figure in comedy, establishing stand-up as we know it today.
    • Known for his television specials, performances for troops overseas, and his avid love for golf.
    • Jim Hardy worked closely with Bob Hope and shares unique insights into Hope's life and career.

    Jim Hardy's Journey with Bob Hope

    • Jim Hardy began working with Bob Hope as a summer replacement and stayed for 38 years.
    • He started in television production and was invited to stay permanently after proving his capabilities.

    Working with Bob Hope

    • Bob Hope was genuine, kind, and treated everyone equally.
    • Unlike many comedians who have a darker side, Hope was always cheerful and approachable.
    • His ability to connect with people fostered loyalty among those who worked with him.

    Interactions with Other Legends

    • Jim Hardy recounts working with other famous comedians like Danny Thomas, Milton Berle, and George Burns.
    • The respect and camaraderie among these comedians were notable.
    • Hardy observed a greater appreciation for career achievements among older generations of entertainers compared to today's stars.

    Bob Hope's USO Tours

    • Hope began USO tours during WWII, providing live entertainment to troops in challenging conditions.
    • These tours required arduous travel but were immensely appreciated by the servicemen and women.
    • Bob Hope's commitment to personalized humor made each performance unique and memorable for the audience.

    Personalized Comedy

    • Bob Hope tailored his jokes to each location, endearing himself to local audiences.
    • His humor was fresh and relevant, which maintained audience loyalty.

    Bob Hope's Love for Golf

    • Golf was Bob Hope's primary relaxation activity, and he was an accomplished golfer.
    • He founded the Desert Classic in Palm Springs, raising money for charities and involving many celebrities.

    Presidential Golf Games

    • Notable event: Hope played golf with Presidents Ford, Clinton, and Bush, with Bush winning the round.
    • Bob Hope's non-partisan approach to comedy allowed him to maintain good relations with various presidents.

    Relationship with Female Stars

    • Hope worked with many prominent actresses, giving them opportunities to showcase their comedic talents.
    • He was generous in sharing the spotlight and providing top-quality material for his guests.

    Avant-Garde Performances

    • Bob Hope introduced new and popular acts on his shows, including the Village People and their hits "In the Navy" and "YMCA."
    • He stayed relevant by adapting to current trends and audiences' interests.

    Legacy and Impact

    • Bob Hope's ageless appeal allowed him to connect with audiences across generations.
    • His dedication to his craft and the joy he found in his work contributed to his long and successful career.

    New Bob Hope YouTube Channel

    • Jim Hardy discusses the launch of the Bob Hope Official YouTube Channel.
    • The channel features classic content, with new uploads weekly, allowing fans old and new to enjoy Bob Hope's work.
    • The goal is to introduce Bob Hope to younger generations and celebrate his contributions to comedy and entertainment.


    • Dr. Allen Lycka encourages listeners to explore the Bob Hope Official YouTube Channel.
    • The channel offers a rich archive of Bob Hope's performances, including parodies, routines with other stars, and special monologues.
    • Jim Hardy emphasizes Bob Hope's historical importance in shaping stand-up comedy and his enduring legacy.
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  • LIVE with The Famous Dr AL and Paul Vann

    Episode Title: Leadership Insights with Paul Laurence Vann


    • Dr. Allen Lycka introduces Paul Laurence Vann, a retired Lieutenant Colonel from the United States Air Force, now an author and leadership expert.

    Paul Vann's Background:

    • Paul Vann shares his journey, starting from childhood experiences in a family-owned grocery store to his 20-year career in the Air Force, focusing on leadership development.

    Nature vs. Nurture in Leadership:

    • Discussion on whether leaders are born or made, exploring the development of leadership skills over time through experience and learning.

    Examples of Great Leadership:

    • Examples of leaders like Warren Buffett and Bob Chapman, emphasizing servant leadership and the importance of humility in leadership.

    Trust and Inspiration in Leadership:

    • Highlighting the significance of trust and inspiration in effective leadership, referencing Stephen Covey's book on trust and inspirational leadership.

    Paul Vann's Three-Pronged Leadership Process:

    1. Continuous Study: Emphasizing the importance of ongoing learning and studying exemplary leaders like General Colin Powell.
    2. Practical Leadership Experience: Advocating for hands-on leadership roles and volunteering for leadership opportunities to gain practical experience.
    3. Leadership Development Workshops: Recommending participation in leadership development programs to hone leadership skills across all levels of an organization.

    Living a Fantastic Life:

    • Paul Vann shares his philosophy on living a fantastic life, focusing on personal leadership, family, community involvement, and outreach activities.

    Optimizing Business Performance through Leadership:

    • Discusses how businesses can enhance their performance by investing in leadership development for all employees, aligning with the organization's vision, mission, and goals.

    Connect with Paul Vann:

    • Paul Vann directs listeners to his website for more information about his book, speaking engagements, training, and leadership development workshops.


    • Dr. Allen Lycka expresses gratitude to Paul Vann for sharing his insights and offers listeners a business assessment tool for evaluating their business journey.

    Paul Lawrence Vann BIO & Social Media Links


    Paul Lawrence Vann is the founder and President of Wealth Building Academy, LLC, a leadership consultancy based in Fort Washington, Maryland near Washington, DC. Before he became an entrepreneur, Paul served over 20 years in the United States Air Force (USAF), he retired with the rank of lieutenant colonel after serving twelve consecutive years in the Pentagon and a year as a Capitol Hill Fellow working for a member of Congress in the U.S. House of Representatives.

    Paul is author of the book, Leadership Is Influence. Paul earned an M.S. in Contracts and Acquisition Management from Florida Institute of Technology, an M.A., in Business Management from Central Michigan University, and a B.A in Business Administration from Shaw University. He also earned a Certificate in Legislative Studies from the Government Affairs Institute at Georgetown University.

    Social Media Links:





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  • LIVE with The Famous Dr AL and Margaret Sullivan
    Host: Dr. Allen Lycka Guest: Margaret Sullivan Author, illustrator, and family photo curatorLeft corporate life to travel the world with her familyVisited 29 countries across six continents in one year The Inspiration Behind the Journey Margaret Sullivan: Conventional life with two jobs, two kids, and a typical suburban setupWork trip to Tanzania sparked the realization of a bigger worldPitched the idea of a year-long global trip to her husband Planning the Trip Dr. Allen Lycka: Questioned the motivation behind such an ambitious journey Margaret Sullivan: The hardest part was committing to the ideaOnce committed, logistics were manageableUsed travel agents, learned necessary skills (e.g., CPR), and ensured proper vaccinations Dr. Allen Lycka: Highlighted the importance of vaccinations for global travel Itinerary and Highlights Margaret Sullivan: Started in South America due to warm weather in JanuaryPath included South America, Africa, Middle East, Europe, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and Hawaii Safety Concerns Dr. Allen Lycka: Discussed the impact of misinformation on travel plans Margaret Sullivan: Emphasized safety by making informed decisionsExample: Mozambique after a tropical stormImportance of supporting local economies Memorable Experiences Dr. Allen Lycka: Mentioned personal experiences in South America and the impact of climate Margaret Sullivan: Adjusted to heat in places like Vietnam and CambodiaEncountered varied costs of living across different regions Japan and Hawaii Margaret Sullivan: Impressed by the order and modernity of JapanEnded the trip with a relaxing stay in HawaiiUsed the final leg of the journey for reflection and future planning Post-Trip Reflections Dr. Allen Lycka: Importance of mealtime family bonding Margaret Sullivan: Trip reinforced the value of spending quality time togetherAdopted a minimalist lifestyle, focusing on what truly mattersMaintained traditions like making top-five lists and reminiscing Living a Fantastic Life Margaret Sullivan: Learned to live a fulfilling life by clearing physical and emotional clutterTrip taught the family to value time and simplicityContinues to prioritize meaningful family interactions and experiences Conclusion Dr. Allen Lycka: Encourages listeners to take inspiration from Margaret's journeyHighlights the transformative power of travel and family bonding Contact Information Guest: Margaret Sullivan Author of the book "Following the Sun" detailing the family's global adventureFor more insights and stories, visit her website or follow her on social media. Host: Dr. Allen Lycka For more episodes and inspirational stories, visit Dr. Lycka’s website and subscribe to the podcast. BIO: Margaret Bensfield Sullivan is author, illustrator, and family photo curator, whose work combines personal passion for archiving with visual storytelling skills she honed over nearly two decades in brand marketing. Margaret was a partner at WPP's marketing and branded content agency Group SJR, where she designed storytelling campaigns on behalf of clients like TED, Target, Disney, and USAID. She left corporate life to spend a year with her husband and two young children crisscrossing the globe, visiting 29 countries and six continents. She wrote about their adventures in Following the Sun: Tales (and Fails) From a Year Around the World With Our Kids (December 5, 2023). Learn more at margaretbensfieldsullivan.com Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/margaretbensfield https://www.linkedin.com/in/margaretbsullivan/ @MargieBSullivan Instagram: @SullivanFamilyAdventure
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  • LIVE with The Famous Dr AL and Toni Gitles


    • Guest: Toni Gitles
    • Background: Toni Gitles is a certified caregiving consultant, educator, and author of the international best-selling book "21 Mistakes Caregivers Make and How to Avoid Them."

    Toni Gitles' Caregiving Journey:

    • Toni shares her personal journey of caregiving for her mother, beginning in 2003 when her mother was 86 years old.
    • Moved from California to Florida to be with her mother due to her mother's health challenges.
    • Decision to move home to spend time with her mother and provide support.
    • Three years of caregiving, managing small challenges and getting her mother's pain managed.
    • Crisis hit when her mother was hospitalized with a serious illness at 89, with doctors suggesting she might not survive.

    Overcoming Challenges:

    • After her mother's hospitalization and being told she wouldn't live independently again, Toni faced uncertainty and panic.
    • Toni moved in with her mother and explored options like home health care and assisted living.
    • Challenge with her mother's confusion due to medication, leading to a significant improvement after discontinuing the medication.
    • Importance of questioning medical advice and advocating for loved ones' well-being.

    Finding Humor and Happiness:

    • Despite challenges, Toni emphasizes the importance of humor and finding joy in caregiving.
    • Shared a touching story of realizing the need for love and connection with her mother, leading to a positive change in their relationship.

    Lessons Learned and Advice for Caregivers:

    • Toni highlights the importance of self-care for caregivers, emphasizing the need to prioritize one's own well-being.
    • She discusses the mistake of trying to do everything alone and the significance of seeking and accepting help from others.
    • Importance of building supportive communities and effective communication skills for caregivers.
    • Toni shares her five themes for a fantastic life: quality relationships, effective communication, giving and receiving love, intentional happiness, and contributing to others.


    • Book: "21 Mistakes Caregivers Make and How to Avoid Them" available on Amazon.
    • Website: www.heartofcaregiving.com
    • Host's Resources: Visit www.drl.live for more insights and resources on living a fantastic life.


    Toni Gitles is a Certified Caregiving Consultant and Educator and is the author of the #1 International Best Selling book, 21 Mistakes Caregivers Make & How to Avoid Them: Solutions and Strategies to Reduce Stress and Increase Happiness, available on Amazon.com. In her private consultations and group workshops she empowers families to work through their caregiving challenges to find meaning, love and purpose with their loved ones as they navigate the caregiving journey.

    Social Media:

    Facebook Group - Heart of Caregiving, https://www.facebook.com/groups/568316578647069

    Twitter - @HofCaregiving, https://twitter.com/HofCaregiving

    Instagram - @heartofcaregiving, https://www.instagram.com/heartofcaregiving/

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/toni-gitles/ Linktree - https://linktr.ee/tonigitles

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  • LIVE with The Famous Dr AL and Dr. Michael Gold

    Dr. Michael Gold


    Dr. Michael H. Gold is the founder and medical director of Gold Skin Care Center, Advanced Aesthetics Medical Spa, The Laser & Rejuvenation Center, and Tennessee Clinical Research Center in Nashville, TN. He is a board-certified dermatologist and dermatologic surgeon and oversees the various facets of the center's operations — a combination of medical and surgical dermatology, cosmetic dermatology, aesthetic services and research endeavors, which began in 1990. The Tennessee Clinical Research Center is regarded in the industry as one of the best clinical research centers for medical dermatology and aesthetic/cosmetic research endeavors – focusing on FDA Phase II, III, and IV clinical trials.

    Dr. Gold has earned worldwide recognition for providing patients with leading-edge technological advances in dermatology and aesthetic skin care. He plays an integral role in the development of new pharmaceutical products, injectable fillers and toxins, skin care, and medical devices through his clinical research practice. He presents results of his work regularly at national and international dermatology, plastic surgical, and cosmetic meetings.

    Dr. Gold has authored over 500 published scientific articles, 40 textbook chapters, has edited two textbooks on Photodynamic Therapy as well as been Senior Editor on textbooks on Microneedling as well as Cosmeceuticals & Skin Care. He serves on most major dermatology journal scientific boards and is the current Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology and the Editor-in-Chief of Dermatological Reviews. In addition, Dr. Gold helped establish the SCALE meeting in Nashville – now entering its 18th year - it is one of the leading U.S. dermatologic and aesthetic meetings.

    Dr. Gold also helped start two international groups: the Dermatologic Aesthetic Surgery International League (DASIL), which aims to create a global community for the open exchange of knowledge and innovation by physicians specializing in dermatology, dermatologic surgery, and aesthetic surgery. It has become one of the most prominent and important international dermatology groups. It showcases meetings all over the world; and the 5-Continent-Congress (5CC), one of the world’s leading conferences on dermatology and aesthetic/cosmetic medicine, where he is the current President of the Congress and has overseen the growth of this meeting since its inception 13 years ago.

    Social Media:

    Instagram: @goldskincarecenter


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  • LIVE with The Famous Dr AL and Celebrity Jeffrey Sitcov


    • Dr. Allen Lycka introduces Jeffrey Sitcov, founder of Doors of Change, a nonprofit organization aiding homeless youth.
    • Sitcov shares his passion for the project and highlights the alarming number of homeless youth in the United States.

    Jeffrey Sitcov's Background:

    • Sitcov discusses his journey from being a physical therapist and photographer to founding Doors of Change.
    • He shares his encounters with homeless youth and his commitment to helping them.

    Partnership with Iconic TV Moms:

    • Sitcov talks about partnering with iconic TV moms like Eileen Graff and Michael Learned to raise awareness and support for homeless youth.

    Music Industry Support:

    • Sitcov recounts his experiences working with musicians like Kenny Loggins and Billy Joel to raise awareness and funds for homeless youth.
    • He emphasizes the generosity of the music industry in supporting the cause.

    Understanding Homelessness Among Youth:

    • Sitcov explains the reasons behind youth homelessness, including family dysfunction and LGBTQ+ issues.
    • He dispels myths surrounding homeless youth, such as the misconception that they choose to be homeless.

    Success Stories:

    • Sitcov shares inspiring success stories of homeless youth who have transformed their lives with the help of Doors of Change.
    • He highlights individuals who have overcome adversity and achieved remarkable milestones, such as graduating from law school.

    Community Outreach:

    • Sitcov discusses the outreach efforts of Doors of Change and its impact beyond San Diego.
    • He encourages listeners to support the organization's mission and join the Angel Team to make a difference.

    Building Trust:

    • Sitcov explains the importance of building trust with homeless youth and how Doors of Change achieves this through immediate support and personalized assistance.

    Living a Fantastic Life:

    • Sitcov reflects on living a fulfilling life by giving back and helping others.
    • He encourages listeners to find their passion and contribute to making the world a better place.

    Call to Action:

    • Dr. Allen Lycka encourages listeners to support Doors of Change and make a difference in their communities.
    • He invites listeners to visit the organization's website and participate in upcoming events to raise awareness about youth homelessness.

    Website: https://doorsofchange.org

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  • LIVE with The Famous Dr AL and Mustafa Ammar

    Guest Introduction:

    • Mustafa Ammar, Founder and CEO of the Passion MBA, a globally recognized life coach, and author of "Time to Move On".
    • Developed the Passion Blueprint methodology, assisting mid-level professionals in reinventing their careers.
    • Working on a tech platform using AI to facilitate career reinvention.
    • Dedicated to creating a nonprofit platform to inspire orphans aged 12 to 18 to dream big about their lives and careers.

    Journey of Mustafa Ammar:

    • Mustafa's journey involved multiple career transitions, from pharmacy to diplomacy to investment banking and now to entrepreneurship and coaching.
    • Mentions his decision-making process and the pursuit of passion and growth.

    Relationship with Jack Canfield:

    • Highlights Mustafa's connection with Jack Canfield, a mentor and source of inspiration.
    • Discusses the impact of Canfield's wisdom on Mustafa's life and career decisions.

    Passion Blueprint Methodology:

    • Mustafa introduces the Passion Blueprint, a methodology to align passion, values, and lifestyle in career decisions.
    • Analogizes the journey to a road trip, emphasizing the importance of fuel (passion), GPS (values), and destination (lifestyle).

    Coaching Strategies:

    • Mustafa outlines coaching strategies, including orientation and transformation processes.
    • Stresses the importance of proper planning and skill development in career transitions.

    "Time to Move On" Book:

    • Mustafa explains the motivation behind his book and highlights some career myths discussed in it.
    • Debunks myths like "It's too late to change" and "Supreme specialist myth" with real-life examples and research.

    Living a Fantastic Life:

    • Mustafa shares his perspective on living a fantastic life, emphasizing diverse experiences and embracing change.
    • Encourages listeners to explore new horizons and engage in hobbies outside their expertise.

    Connect with Mustafa:

    • Mustafa shares his website URLs and where to find his book on Amazon and indie bookstores.

    Closing Remarks:

    • Dr. Allen Lycka thanks Mustafa for sharing his wisdom and encourages listeners to assess their life quality.
    • Directs listeners to www.lifequalityassessment.com for a self-assessment tool.

    Mustafa Ammar BIO & Social Media Links

    Short bio:

    Mustafa Ammar, founder and CEO of The Passion MBA, is a globally recognized life coach and author of "Time to Move On." With extensive experience coaching professionals worldwide, he developed the "Passion Blueprint" methodology. Currently, Mustafa is working on a tech platform that utilizes AI to assist mid-level professionals in reinventing their careers. Additionally, he is dedicated to creating a non-profit platform to inspire orphans aged 12 to 18 to dream big about their lives and careers. Mustafa's diverse career journey includes roles as a pharmacist, international diplomat, and investment specialist, bringing over $1.1 billion in finance to infrastructure projects in the Middle East while at the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

    Social Media:

    Instagram @ThePassionMBA



    Facebook community:

    Find your dream career - The Passion MBA

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