• Episode 33: Recruiting Volunteers Who Are Worth Their Weight in Gold

    Hey, Friend,

    If you work at a church or nonprofit, then you know how necessary volunteers are. But recruiting volunteers takes so much time and keeping them is really hard.

    In today’s episode, I am going to share with you a strategy for having volunteers that are worth their weight in gold. It requires a different strategy for recruitment and an understanding that once you get these volunteers, you have to take care of them in very specific ways.

    I pray this blesses you!


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  • Episode 32: 6 Tips to Improve Your Resilience

    Hey, friend!

    Resilience is something that we know when we see it, and we admire in others, but we don’t always feel resilient ourselves.

    But as I have been saying for weeks, personal growth and development are about becoming, and it is never too late to become resilient.

    This episode concludes my four-week series on Resilience. If you didn’t catch the others,

    Episode 29: Just How Resilient Are You?

    Episode 30: Which Type of Resilience Do You Have?

    Episode 31: Qualities of Resilient Leaders

    and today’s episode:

    Episode 32: Six Tips to Improve Your Resilience

    Check it out!

    I pray it blesses you,


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  • Episode 31: Qualities of Resilient Leaders

    Hey, Friend!

    For the past couple of weeks, I have been talking about resilience, an important life skill and an essential leadership skill.

    In today’s episode, I share some of the qualities of a resilient leader. As you listen, I want you to consider someone you know who you think of as resilient.

    What is it about them that seems resilient? Likely, you have witnessed them navigating a setback and you have wondered how they did it.

    What about you? How resilient are you? Reflect on times you have navigated setbacks. How did that setback affect you physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially?

    If you can identify areas in which you are resilient, celebrate that!

    And in the areas where you have identified you need more work, own that and decide the first step you are going to take to develop resilience in that area. And be patient with yourself.

    You don’t become resilient by deciding to. You become resilient by practicing. Practice mastering your mindset. Practice doing what resilient people do. Practice asking for feedback about your resilience. Practice adapting to small changes before you tackle the big ones. Most skills are developed by practice and resilience is a skill. It takes practice.

    I pray this blesses you!


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  • Episode 30: You Can Self-Assess Your Resilience

    Hey, Friend!

    Do you ever wonder how some people seem to bounce back with ease from setbacks? Do others seem to have this amazing ability to adapt to change and different seasons of life?

    If you see resilience in others, if you admire their adaptability, if you wish you could be that way yourself, then this episode is for you.

    We are going to talk about the different kinds of resilience and I will give you some questions to ask yourself so you can self-assess your resilience and your adaptability.

    You may be surprised to learn that you are more resilient than you know. The best news is that no matter where you fall on the scale of resilience and adaptability, personal growth and development are about becoming and it is never too late to become resilient and adaptable.

    I pray this blesses you!


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  • Episode 29: Just How Resilient Are You?

    Hey, Friend!

    Just how resilient are you? Are you able to bounce back from difficult life events such as a job loss or health issue? How about divorce or the death of a loved one?

    Or, do you get stuck, sluggishly living from day to day, wondering if or when you will EVER feel like yourself again? It’s understandable and very easy to do.

    In today’s episode, we are going to look at the importance of resilience in life and in leadership. Included will be some suggestions for developing resilience.

    Regardless of how resilient you have been up to this point, personal growth and development is about becoming.

    It is not too late to become resilient.

    I pray this blesses you!


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  • Episode 28: Self-Care or Selfish Part 3: A Different Approach

    Hey, friend!

    Today’s episode is the last of a three part series called: Self-Care or Selfish?

    In it, I suggest a different approach to practicing self-care. Sure, you can pamper yourself if you want. I often do. But self-care is so much more than pampering. Self-care is your responsibility. No one will do it for you. So, I am suggesting some very practical ways to practice self-care as an act of worship to your Creator.

    I hope you give it a listen!


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  • Episode 27: Self-Care or Selfish Part 2: Do You Know Your Value?

    Hey, friend!

    In last week’s episode, I talked about the importance of boundaries as self-care.

    Today’s episode addresses the challenge many women feel to know their value and to know their worth. We play the comparison game which makes us feel devalued, less than, or not good enough.

    I am convinced that it is that lack of understanding of our value and worth that causes us to discount the importance of self-care.

    I also share some scriptures that point to how God values us, which should inform how we value ourselves. When we truly understand how God loves us, we practice self-care as a form of worship.

    I pray this blesses you!


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  • Episode 26: Self-Care or Selfish?

    Hey, friend!

    What is your opinion on self-care? How important is it to you?

    Do you practice self-care on a regular basis? Or, have you convinced yourself that you don’t need it?

    Today’s episode is part one of a three part series on self-care. Over the next two weeks, my episodes will continue the conversation. Next week, I will remind you how God feels about you and how he wants you to feel about yourself. The following week, I am going to suggest a different way to view self-care.

    I pray this blesses you!


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