• Strength Spotting

    Welcome to this podcast, "Leadership Starts with You." This business novel is the story, the journey and yes the evolution of Kathleen Battlefield. I invite you to join Kathleen on her journey and perhaps it will be your journey as well. 

    In this eighth podcast, we'll take a close look at Strength spotting - recognizing your own strengths and recognizing the strengths of your colleagues or co-workers - or even your children or people around you.

    You'll learn eight questions that will initiate your own self-reflection and help you identify your own strengths. Of course, you can also use these questions to identify the strengths of your colleagues and friends.

    In addition, I'll show you four questions that will help you uncover your weaknesses.

    Tune in - Find out - Grow your Life.
    And remember: Leadership starts with you!

    You can find out more about my new business novel "Leadership Starts with You" at https://leadership-starts-with-you.com/.

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    8 分
  • Talking at Cross Purposes

    Welcome to this podcast, "Leadership Starts with You." This business novel is the story, the journey and yes the evolution of Kathleen Battlefield. I invite you to join Kathleen on her journey and maybe it will be your journey too. 

    In this seventh podcast we tackle the topic of communication and yes, why we often talk past each other. How quickly do we label other people? Do we pigeonhole them? And every time we have something to do with that person, we perceive that person through our reality and yes personal opinion.

    I am often contacted as a counselor and coach when it is almost too late. Interpersonal hurts run very deep and the mood is either highly explosive or very icy. And from my experience, these conflicts start very small - as misunderstandings. The first little hurts occur and instead of talking about them or seeking out conversation, many people sweep such events under the rug and hope they will go away. But they don't. Like the elephant in the room, they get in the way and prevent trust and a positive working environment from being built.

    This podcast gives you tips and provides background knowledge to open up certain pigeonholes ... so you can "get out" certain people and give them another chance - perceive them differently and yes, seek dialogue instead of avoiding the elephant in the room.....

    Tune in - Find out - Grow your Life.
    And remember: Leadership starts with you!

    You can find out more about my new business novel "Leadership Starts with You" at https://leadership-starts-with-you.com/.

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    9 分
  • Your energy is contagious

    Welcome to this podcast, "Leadership Starts with You." This business novel is the story, the journey and yes the evolution of Kathleen Battlefield. I invite you to join Kathleen on her journey and maybe it will be your journey too. 

    This sixth podcast is about psychological safety in a team.

    What exactly is psychological safety?  And what does it have to do with success in a team?

    It means there is a working atmosphere that allows everyone to speak up with a sense of safety, where they can ask questions without being judged, and where team members are encouraged to take risks:

    They might try something new or experiment with an existing process. Insights and mistakes are shared openly, and colleagues learn from each other. People support each other and don't talk about others behind their backs. No one spreads gossip about others, no one rolls their eyes or sighs audibly. The whole team is a safety zone, so to speak.

    And yes, these things don't happen on their own.

    In this podcast, you'll learn three specific things you can do to promote psychological safety on your team.

    Tune in - Find out - Grow your Life.
    And remember: Leadership starts with you!

    You can find out more about my new business novel "Leadership Starts with You" at https://leadership-starts-with-you.com/.

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    9 分
  • Kicking off a successful day

    Welcome to this podcast, "Leadership Starts with You." This podcast will provide you with tools and approaches before or while you read the book so you can start implementing some things now.

    In this podcast, we tackle the topic of energy. Your energy, your power. You'll learn about four questions that take no more than five minutes each morning to answer. These questions provide you with energy and focus for the day ahead.


    To find out more about the book, please visit www.leadership-starts-with-you.com

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    11 分
  • High-Performing Teams (part 2)

    In this podcast, we'll tackle part 2 of the topic of successful, high performing teams. Part 1 was about the importance of work climate and happiness quotient.

    A positive work climate and successful teams don't come out of the blue. Teams are formed over time and team members develop at the same time. It is the responsibility of the team leader or manager to guide team members through the developmental stages.  

    And that's what part 2 of "successful, high-performing teams" is about now - these four phases. And no, not all teams reach the fourth or even the third phase. Such teams fail or settle for mediocre results.
    Which phase is your team in?

    Tune in - Find out - Grow your Life.
    And remember: Leadership starts with you!

    You can find out more about my new business novel "Leadership Starts with You" at https://leadership-starts-with-you.com/.

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    14 分
  • High-Performing Teams (part 1)

    In this podcast, we'll take a closer look at the topic of successful, high-performing teams and the connection to leadership excellence.

    ❔ What does Leadership Excellence mean for me personally?
    Among other things, it means taking responsibility and creating a work climate in which people enjoy coming to work. A place where they not only feel safe expressing their opinions, but also where their opinions are valued by them and their colleagues. A place where there is no room for gossip or derogatory online chats about another person. A climate where issues are not swept under the rug, but addressed openly, respectfully and promptly. 

    And that's what this podcast is about.
    1. How can you build a positive work climate - either as a team leader or as a team member. Because everyone contributes to making sure the climate is right.
    2. What does research say about high performing teams?  What do they all have in common?
    3. what is a happiness quotient and what does it have to do with the upward spiral?

    Tune in - Find out - Grow your Life
    Remember: Leadership starts with you!

    You can find out more about my new business novel "Leadership Starts with You" at https://leadership-starts-with-you.com/.

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    11 分
  • The Key to Perseverance

    New Podcast! Build endurance consciously!

    Perseverance - or endurance - is essential to leadership excellence. Not only not giving up, but being purposeful. Being able to lead with a clear vision of the future. To lead a team through crises and uncertain times. 

    In this podcast, you'll learn what the four components of perseverance are and how you can build them more intentionally.

    Tune in - Find out - Grow your Life
    Remember: Leadership starts with you!

    You can find out more about my new business novel "Leadership Starts with You" at https://leadership-starts-with-you.com/.

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    6 分
  • Finding your Purpose

    Welcome to this podcast "Leadership starts with you".  This podcast will provide you with tools, models and approaches before or while you read the book so you can start trying or implementing some things now. 

    This podcast is about your Purpose and you will learn 3 things.
    1. what exactly is meant by the term "Purpose"?
    2. what does your personal Purpose have to do with leadership or self-leadership?
    3. how do you formulate a Purpose statement?

    My new book "Leadership begins with you" will be released on November 03. You can find out more about the book (videos, readings, ...) at www. fuehrung-beginnt-bei-dir.de.

    And remember: Leadership starts with you!

    You can find out more about my new business novel "Leadership Starts with You" at https://leadership-starts-with-you.com/.

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    11 分