A grand colussus of petricite created by the great architect Durand, Galio is the protector of Demacia but is also its heart. Is protecting Demacia the same as protecting its people though? That's what we'll be discussing on today's episode I was look at Galio and what he represents to this antimagic nation. League of Lore is a video game lore podcast focusing on League of Legends and is a member of the Rocket Club, a subsidiary of the Robots Radio Network created to help upcoming or new podcasts achieve their goals in the podcasting world. To send a question for the next episode of League of Lore send it too: loreofruneterra@gmail.com You can also follow the official twitter @LeagueofLore2 on twitter to get updates on upcoming episodes as well as lore tidbits and inquiries. Thank you all for listening!