A little help with asking for help!
This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Filipino, to improve your Filipino vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Filipino.
These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Filipino language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Filipino class. The more you expose your brain to Filipino audio, the faster you'll learn.
View the full list of English and Filipino phrases in this episode.
Contact us with feedback and ideas: languagelearningaccelerator@gmail.com
Phrases in this episode:
- Excuse me.
- I need help.
- Please.
- I don't understand.
- Can you help me?
- I have a question.
- Do you speak English?
- I only speak a little Filipino.
- Could you repeat that?
- Could you explain that again?
- Could you speak louder?
- Could you speak slower?
- Could you spell that?
- Can you write that down for me?
- How do you pronounce this word?
- What do you call this in Filipino?