
  • Divorce & Remarriage

    Marriage is a very personal topic for many, and for good reason! Marriage is the most fundamental relational structure God instituted for mankind. That said, many marriages are strained and disordered, to put it mildly. This episode teaches the basics of what Scripture says on the topic, highlighting the frequently contentious issues of divorce and remarriage.

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  • Jesus Love the Little Children

    Scripture ascribes a tremendous amount of value to children. This is especially apparent in Jesus’ ministry, declaring one must become like a child in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. In this event and in the passage that follows, we learn something valuable about our interactions with one another. Listen to learn more!

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  • The Inoffensive Christian

    Jesus decides to pay the Temple Tax, but not for the reasons you might think. He went out of his way “so as not to give offense.” In a culture steeped in avoiding offensive speech, could Christians learn something here?

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  • The Transfiguration of Christ

    The Transfiguration marks a crucial turning point in Jesus’ ministry. In it, we actually learn something about the crucifixion.

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  • “Who Do You Say That I Am?”

    2,000 years ago, Jesus asked Peter one of the most important questions, a question that has reverberated throughout history since, a question with incredible implications today. Whether we intend or not, each life is a testimony to our answer. So, how will you answer?

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  • From the Inside Out

    What’s on the inside is reflected on the outside. This simple truth is evident in Jesus’ own ministry as He criticizes Israel’s spiritual leaders, who had successfully created a facade of faithfulness to cover their corrupt, sinful souls. Here, we learn something about transformation and the nature of Christian calling.

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  • Stories of Faith by the Sea

    Jesus feeds a crowd of thousands with only a handful of food to begin with, yet Jesus is not actually the focus. The disciples, who wanted to help but didn’t have the wisdom or resources to do so, were empowered to participate in this remarkable event. From this, we learn something about our own role—in this episode, Alex explores what that is.

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  • The Kingdom of Heaven

    Jesus began His ministry announcing “The kingdom of heaven is at hand.” What precisely was Jesus referring to? It turns out, this is not just a reference to some distant, far-off land in the clouds, but an invitation to make God’s will manifest in the modern world. In this episode, Alex shares the biblical perspective on God’s eternal Kingdom, the same Jesus established upon His crucifixion and resurrection.

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