
  • 57. Hiply Holiday Survival Guide

    Happy Thanksgiving, happy holidays to all my followers. Holidays can add an extra level of pressure and stress to our already crazy world and that coupled with the judgments, expectations and need to be calm and loving every moment of it can be a recipe for overwhelm. Here are some fun hiply tips to make it through the holidays feeling spacious and relaxed and accepting it when you're not. 

    May you be hiply, happy and free. 

    We'll be back with Season 2 on January 2, 2024.

    Claudia Williams

    Hiply Linktree - Linktr.ee/Hiply

    If you'd like to be on the podcast either as a guest to practice Hiply and to get a little coaching from Claudia or as an expert, please email us at: hiplylol@gmail.com

    Making a difference, one Hiply moment at a time.

    Episodes released every Tuesdays.

    Love Claudia

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    17 分
  • 56. Navigating Relationships with Intimacy Coach Jaclyn Foster

    56. Navigating Relationships with Intimacy Coach Jaclyn Foster

    Today I welcome relationship and intimacy coach Jaclyn Foster to the show and I think you'll love our conversation, there are so many great nuggets! Hiply is all about how we speak to ourselves and others in a loving and supportive way so we can all feel loved, seen and heard.Because when we heal ourselves, we heal the world. Join me in making a difference, one hiply moment at a time.

    We talk about the dualities in relationships, how as human beings we want to be both free and safe and held. This is a constant dance and balance and what can be so beautiful. Jaclyn reminds us that according to a study by the Gottman Institute 69% of arguments in relationships are about unsolvable problems. So if we can move to agreeing that the problem or issue has no clear solution then we have agreement on something at least. There is hope, with growth, Hiply and Positivity we can tap into our inner peace and feel so much better. Love and acceptance are the answers. Accept reality, accept what's happening and resist arguing and fighting with reality. 


    Facebook: Jaclyn Lacey Foster

    IG: fosterjaclyn

    Jaclyn's book on Amazon - I Touch Myself 


    Claudia Williams

    Hiply Linktree - Linktr.ee/Hiply

    If you'd like to be on the podcast either as a guest to practice Hiply and to get a little coaching from Claudia or as an expert, please email us at: hiplylol@gmail.com

    Making a difference, one Hiply moment at a time.

    Episodes released every Tuesdays.

    Love Claudia

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    34 分
  • 55. Tar around Business Building: Hiply Practice with Jacki


    Thank you for being coachable and practicing Hiply with me to Jacki. She is feeling tarry about building her business which she judges as not going fast enough, not successful enough - and that makes perfect sense. Or course she wants it faster and bigger and better. That's how we're conditioned to think. Pay attention to the following hiply tools: human condition and negativity bias, tar, blame, shame, judgments, clean and dirty pain. Inner Peace Self and parts work as well as the it's okay technique and keeping your energy positive. Because when we heal the ourselves we heal the world. Join me in making a difference, one hiply moment at a time.

    Claudia Williams

    Hiply Linktree - Linktr.ee/Hiply

    If you'd like to be on the podcast either as a guest to practice Hiply and to get a little coaching from Claudia or as an expert, please email us at: hiplylol@gmail.com

    Making a difference, one Hiply moment at a time.

    Episodes released every Tuesdays.

    Love Claudia

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    35 分
  • 54. Hiply Practice with Adriana - Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

    Adriana shows up super coachable by working through her imposter system and the fear of being fake. I love how bubbly, fun and full of light Adriana is. She doesn't want her corporate persona to come up because she wants to be bubbly and fun.

    Listen for the following hiply tools and concepts, feeling tarry, the it's okay technique, the hiply process, where the first step is noticing, second step accepting what is happening (using the it's okay technique) to create some space. And then the third step is to get into the space with some new ideas, get creative and curious and try new things. Step 4, if it works keep doing it, if not rinse and repeat. Finally, a reminder to be so gentle with ourselves. And turn our inner critic into our inner coach. Because when we heal ourselves we heal the world. Join me in making a difference, one hiply moment at a time. 

    Claudia Williams

    Hiply Linktree - Linktr.ee/Hiply

    If you'd like to be on the podcast either as a guest to practice Hiply and to get a little coaching from Claudia or as an expert, please email us at: hiplylol@gmail.com

    Making a difference, one Hiply moment at a time.

    Episodes released every Tuesdays.

    Love Claudia

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    23 分
  • 53. Heart Centered Boundaries with Relationship Coach Lauri McKean

    Lauri has created the methodology of heart centered boundaries to create boundaries within relationships with loved ones which she says is very different than setting boundaries at work. 

    I love how she looks at boundary setting as a dance, coming from what I want instead of what I do want, my deep desires.

    Language matters, setting and enforcing boundaries vs. radiating boundaries from the inside by being in alignment with what we want and desire. 

    When we can be in our own core energy it's so much easier to stay on our side of the street and dance from that non-attached place. 

    And big takeaway - Heart Centered Boundaries create Hiply Moments!

    Lauri's listener tip to get out of tarry feelings:

    When you're feeling tarry - start shaking and bouncing to express whatever the tarry emotion is (energy in motion) so it doesn't get stuck. To create movement in the body and the energetic field.


    Lauri McKean, Relationship Coach


    free masterclass about heart centered boundaries coming up Nov 2, noon pacific. More info on her website.

    Claudia Williams

    Hiply Linktree - Linktr.ee/Hiply

    If you'd like to be on the podcast either as a guest to practice Hiply and to get a little coaching from Claudia or as an expert, please email us at: hiplylol@gmail.com

    Making a difference, one Hiply moment at a time.

    Episodes released every Tuesdays.

    Love Claudia

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    31 分
  • 52. Hiply Practice with Tudie

    Today I welcome Tudie back to the show and we are practicing Hiply - pay attention to the following Hiply concepts and tools - boundaries, "clear is kind", hold positive intentions for positive outcome, clean pain and dirty pain, 

    Last time Tudie was working through creating clear boundaries around her living situation. She updates us about her situation and is happy to report that she is now in a much better living situation. Tiny home living can be stressful. She's in a new situation and worried a bit about messing it up. 

    Because when we heal ourselves we heal the world. Join me in making a difference, one Hiply moment at a time. 

    Claudia Williams

    Hiply Linktree - Linktr.ee/Hiply

    If you'd like to be on the podcast either as a guest to practice Hiply and to get a little coaching from Claudia or as an expert, please email us at: hiplylol@gmail.com

    Making a difference, one Hiply moment at a time.

    Episodes released every Tuesdays.

    Love Claudia

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    32 分
  • 51. Being Hiply With Your Body - With Amelia Burns

    Today I speak with somatic therapist and body worker Amelia Burns. The body is always in the present moment, being the perfect venue for creating a Hiply Attitude, where we are Hiply and present to whatever is happening. Listen for the following Hiply Concepts: the hiply it's okay technique, paying attention to your social nervous system and the Inner Peace Self and Parts psychology. And Amelia's mantra for letting go is - drop and bless.

    We talk about beautiful concepts and modalities, such as slow down to speed up, there is nothing to fix, just notice, and trying to push just creates more tension. Allowing and meeting the tension with equal attention is a way to bring the Hiply Peace to things. 


    Amelia Burns


    Claudia Williams

    Hiply Linktree - Linktr.ee/Hiply

    If you'd like to be on the podcast either as a guest to practice Hiply and to get a little coaching from Claudia or as an expert, please email us at: hiplylol@gmail.com

    Making a difference, one Hiply moment at a time.

    Episodes released every Tuesdays.

    Love Claudia

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    38 分
  • 50. Work Life Balance - Hiply Practice with Julie

    Today we've got the juicy topic of feeling tarry about work life balance. Tarry feelings point to crossed boundaries and unmet needs and help us get curious about what is happening.

    Pay attention to the following Hiply tools and concepts. The it's okay technique, setting expectations, parts work, the Inner Peace Self that is always at peace and never gets triggered. And polarized parts that are fighting within us. And finally, the Hiply Process, where whenever you want to change something, the first step is noticing, the second step is acceptance (it's okay, whatever is happening is okay) and that creates spaces for step 3, getting curious and 4, trying something new and noticing what that does. Part of the acceptance is noticing the tarry feelings as well as Clean and Dirty Pain.Thank you Julie for showing up so vulnerably and playing Hiply with me. 

    Join me in making a difference, one Hiply moment at a time. Because when we heal ourselves we heal the world.

    Claudia Williams

    Hiply Linktree - Linktr.ee/Hiply

    If you'd like to be on the podcast either as a guest to practice Hiply and to get a little coaching from Claudia or as an expert, please email us at: hiplylol@gmail.com

    Making a difference, one Hiply moment at a time.

    Episodes released every Tuesdays.

    Love Claudia

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