
  • The Problem(s) with Steven Crowder

    Recently there was some drama in the conservative news world. Steven Crowder sought out a contract with the Daily Wire, didn't like their initial offer, and took it to the internet. In this episode, we talk about how although Steven may have a valid point or argument, he went about it all wrong and why integrity is so important.

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    33 分
  • Ep. 001: Gas Stoves and Government Overreach

    What actually is the role of the government and how do you know when they're stepping out of bounds? We dive into these two questions today with the Biden administration's announcement that they would like to ban or at least highly regulate your gas stove and whether or not you can even have one.

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    13 分
  • Ep. 20: Is Identity Important?

    It's easy to scoff at the idea of identity politics when it seems to be wrecking havoc on our culture and pervading every thing we do, but it forces us to ask the question "Is identity important?" and if so, "Why?"

    Join me as I think out loud about this question in today's episode.

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    8 分
  • Why Biden And Not Just Putin Are To Blame For Your Pain At The Pump

    Sure, we can talk about "Putin's Price Hike." It has a catchy nice ring to it, but like most slogans, it's too simplistic. Biden has actually done a lot to contribute to your pain at the pump while risking our national security and that of our allies. We break some why Biden is to blame for high gas prices, including a close look at the Keystone XL pipeline in today's episode.

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    11 分
  • 5 Reasons We Need to Keep Talking About C*V*D

    While the world has been focused on Russia and Ukraine, the government, per usual has been playing a slight of hand when it comes to c*v*d, and it's not just the Democrats. Republicans are falling in line too. Unfortunately, we have to keep talking about it and we're sharing 5 reasons why on today's show.

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    25 分
  • The CDC Withholds COVID Info And The NYT Makes A Case for Limited Government And Capitalism

    Okay, it's not shocking that the CDC has been withholding information from us for the past two year, but the fact that the New York Times called them out on it is a little shocking. Also, did the New York times accidentally defend limited government and capitalism? Find out in today's show!

    Link to New York Times Article: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/20/health/covid-cdc-data.html

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    28 分
  • Should We Give Up Our Personal Liberties To Save Lives

    For the last two years we've been told that we are selfish and bigoted and unpatriotic if we aren't willing to give up our freedoms in order to save people's lives. We dive into the assumption that giving up your freedoms is the only way to save lives in this episode and take a look at 6 weaknesses of this argument.

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    32 分
  • What People Are Saying About Joe Rogan and Free Speech on Social Media

    In this episode we go over some of the talking points from the Left I've been seeing in comment threads on social media related to Joe Rogan and free speech

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    24 分