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How do you perceive yourself? REALLY.
Is it your resume and property? Your achievements?
Life purpose gets uncovered when we sink down a few layers (and float up a few, depending on your perspective) and we download the CV of your soul.
Some key points:
- Wherever your desires (logical, illogical, or inconvenient as they may be) come from, there's a soulful you that is generating them.
- Some desires might not be for your highest good, but that's not necessarily your soul's fault.
- The soul doesn't traffic in the same language that your brain does
- If you hear that desire spoken through you, you have options as to how to interpret this with your human life.
- You are the subject and what this means for your perception of self
- Subject Object Subject exercise
- https://www.amazon.com/The-Energy-Codes-audiobook/dp/B07JR31NXZ/ref=sr_1_1?gclid=CjwKCAjw8sCRBhA6EiwA6_IF4fobCLU7rwQIs9w4vsF11O_YovwC8BzgdmcE_Y1DliAbK3IaQ2WtExoCq9YQAvD_BwE&hvadid=321941331259&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9031038&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=3454165539531225739&hvtargid=kwd-733068308117&hydadcr=22561_10354861&keywords=the+energy+codes+book&qid=1647404610&sr=8-1