Hey everyone - not your typical podcast this week. This is the recap of the brightest night in wine country: The Lighting of the Sonoma Plaza. Enjoy! If you want to watch the whole show, or some of the segments, find them on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiSa7rAVobsKpmmTmnfOjx5_W9mqu6xJq Sponsors for the Lighting of the Plaza:
Sonoma Tourism Improvement District
City of Sonoma
Sonoma Valley Visitors Bureau
Sonoma International Film Festival: https://sonomafilmfest.org
Pangloss Cellars: https://panglosscellars.com
Highway 12 Winery: https://www.highway12winery.com
Gehricke Wines: https://www.gehrickewines.com
Cline Cellars: https://clinecellars.com
Jacuzzi Winery: https://www.jacuzziwines.com
Beltane Ranch Winery: https://beltaneranch.com
Kunde Family Winery: https://www.kunde.com
Viansa Winery + Marketplace: https://www.viansa.com
MacArthur Place Hotel & Spa: https://www.macarthurplace.com
El Pueblo Inn: https://www.elpuebloinn.com
Sparc Cannabis Sonoma: https://sparc.co
Mary’s Pizza Shack: https://maryspizzashack.com
Sonoma Clean Power: https://sonomacleanpower.org
Sonoma Botanical Garden: https://sonomabg.org
Sonoma Springs Brewing Company: https://www.sonomaspringsbrewing.com
Sonoma Market: https://sonomamarket.net
The Lodge at Sonoma: https://www.thelodgeatsonoma.com