They say it’s healthier to eat small amounts throughout the day instead of eating big meals. Who cares! Just eat what you want, don’t go overboard and throw in some green stuff. Also, try some joy snacking! Stop looking to the future for that magical thing that’s going to make you happy one day. Look around and just maybe there are things - big and small - that can bring you joy right now. Holly and Mandy spent a night playing Cards Against Humanity with rabbis, for example. What else are they snacking on? The female snarl, a childhood story about Fabio, a childhood story about an adorable hate letter, author Emily Henry, finally feeling ok with your body, a man in a motorized lounger with his tiny dog, a sex doll, and Mandy’s birth story about bringing Julian (who also makes a podcast cameo!) into the world. Preparation H was involved, but not for the reason you think. Snack on that, everyone.