
  • Dating in Atlanta
    This discussion about dating in Atlanta is definitely one you want to tune into. We have a woman that's been married 9 years and met her husband online, we have a divorced mom of three that is single for the first time in her adult life and we have a single mom who is just out of a four year relationship but is open to meeting someone new. Join us as we dive into some common misconceptions on dating in the city vs. how these three women approach it with an entirely different vibe. There are actually some good guys out there, but are you a good woman? Also, dating online can lead to an amazing match, my long-time friend Gentry shares her experience with online dating and how she met her husband through Match.Com. And who says you can meet your person while also focusing on yourself? Contrary to trending dialogues, you can date and be open to finding a life partner while still focusing on your goals, you don't have to choose one or the other. Let's see what these ladies have to say about it.
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    1 時間 2 分
  • The State of the Black Woman
    Recently, the black woman's reputation seems to be at an all-time low. From blogs to social media platforms it is trendy to label them the aesthetically less beautiful angry women who are not feminine enough to be marriable. We're judged by looks. By society, men, and even other women in our own community. We discuss how you can learn to love yourself and your features. How to love the skin you're in and how you don't need anyone else's approval for you to be happy. So join us for a deep conversation about what it means to be a black woman today...
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    53 分
  • Healing After Infidelity
    Divorce. Infidelity. Stress of all types. There are few experiences worse than feeling like you have put in so much yourself into something and it ends up betraying you. Having been through infidelity myself, I understand that it is devastating. They say time heals and all that but for some people, time doesn't do enough. There are so many people in the same situation as you who have managed to move forward without turning into an angry bitter shell of their former selves. We know you have more questions than answers but that's where we come in. Join us as we journey through healing after infidelity while trying to decide if there is any real value in trying to save your relationship or marriage after all you've been through (and if so, how?).
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    1 時間 1 分
  • Feminine VS. Masculine Energy, Who ya wit?
    Nails done, hair done, everything did..is that the root of femineity or does a man need a soft hold and a soft heart to feel like a king in his home? Are you feminine enough? Or are you one of those " I have a healthy balance of both" kinda woman? Well, we are living in a world where men think women, specifically black women are not feminine enough. We are too hard and we think we can do it all without a man, or do we? Some of us have found ourselves in circumstances that require us to be a little tougher on the outside and depend on our feminine wiles to get things done that most think a man should be doing. Grab a glass of wine and Join Kokoa and Nish as we dive into this conversation face first!
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    48 分
  • Let's Talk About....SEX
    I don’t know about you guys but something kind of adventurous happens after 40 when it comes to sex! Becoming more comfortable with your body, being open to new experiences or maybe sometimes you just get plain bored. Whatever the case, tips tricks, and toys come in to play. No matter if you are in a long-term relationship or you just sewing the wild oats of singleness, sex is always an energy-filled experience where it’s nice to have a little fun!!! Join Kokoa & Nish in this entertaining conversation that is sure to spice up in the bedroom and trigger a few laughs.
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    1 時間 19 分
  • Friends With Benefits????
    So how do you really feel about FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS? It's not often that you meet someone that you have a genuine connection with, chemistry, good conversation and just epic feel moments! Can you handle the temptation of wanting to be with this person beyond a friendship or are you a dating champ that doesn’t get attached so easily. Either way it makes for a great conversation so join Tanisha & Kokoa as they get transparent about their experiences and give you their two cents on the matter! Grab a glass of wine because it’s time to talk about FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS it is sure to be an interesting conversation to say the least!
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    1 時間 11 分
  • Are You Really Ready for a Ring?????
    We’ve all been there...... lost in the world of extravagant marriage proposals and weddings all up on our feed!!! Everything from the glitter of her ring to the sparkle in his smile as he longingly waits for this bride at the end of the aisle. From YouTube and Facebook pages to full-on TikTok and Instagram accounts committed to a play-by-play of hundreds of beautiful couples through love and into marriage. We raise our cups in celebration of love!!! Marriage at its core can be a beautiful thing when it's to the right person. Join Kokoa and Nish today as they unpack what it really means to be married and challenge you to think to yourself, " Am I really ready to be a wife? " Am I really ready for this ring? Grab your wine, or a cocktail of choice, put on your headphones, and kick back with us as we asked the ladies ARE YOU REALLY READY FOR A RING?
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    1 時間 10 分
  • New Year...Who Dis?
    It's 2022 and how sweet it is to have a new start! Who remembers sitting around with your friends and family while they hyped up all the things they were going to change as soon as the clock strikes 12! Yes, the New Year is when the world signs up for a new start of new habits literally overnight by broadcasting their New Years Resolutions to anyone within earshot. As amazing as January 1st feels, as nice as it is to really embrace having a new start..who says you have to wait for a new year to be intentional about changing your habits? Why not start...well..today? Join Nish and Kokoa as they share their thoughts on New Years Resolutions and when is really a good time to make a change in your habits. Because who says you have to wait....no better time for change than the present.
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    59 分