
  • Yes - your coffee hydrates you

    The effect of caffeinated, non-caffeinated, caloric and non-caloric beverages on hydration.

    All liquids contribute to your hydration status.

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    9 分
  • Should you have a Purpose Statement?

    Wrapping up this discussion around Purpose, Ambition, Passion, and Mission I look to define my Purpose Statement. Why am I here? What is my Purpose? Am I living into that Purpose?

    This differs from my mission - mission is what I do whereas Purpose is about why.

    If I live into my why each day does that lead to a more fulfilling life. I think so...

    I do a quick walkthrough of how I created my Purpose Statement. Try is out. It may spark some passion in you.

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    10 分
  • Why you are dehydrated.

    Rules Rules Rules!!! No one likes them but there are tons around food and water. 

    This week we are going to get into the problem with modern-day hydration and why people should understand the why and how before listening to the recommendations.

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    7 分
  • Ambition and Purpose
    6 分
  • A bug's life...?

    What is the purpose of a fly? A mosquito? A human? What is your Purpose?

    This year? Today? In your life?

    This is the first of a 3 part series looking at Purpose, Ambition, Passion, And Mission...

    Richard Feynman's famous quote...“I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.”

    The more questions I have the more answers I will have. 

    What questions do you choose to ask 

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    6 分
  • Forgive and Forget Not

    Wrapping up a 3 parter on the big F-Word - Forgiveness.

    We've heard the phrase Forgive and Forget. But forgetting is usually about suppressing emotions, or other coping mechanisms, and not usually helpful in the long term.

    Now, forgiveness is about healing and freedom - that is why I believe this is so important in Building Your Health Esteem.

    Today, we look at this process of Collection, Connection, and Correction that Lysa TerKeurst outlines in her book

    Forgiving What You Can't Forget: Discover How to Move On, Make Peace with Painful Memories, and Create a Life That’s Beautiful Again

    I hope you found this helpful and if you would like to leave a rating or review, that would be very much appreciated. 

    If you have comments or questions and would like to share those with me I can be reached atDrJ at DrJeromeCraig dot com

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    7 分
  • Forgiveness is not about Justice

    In part 2 of this week's focus on powerful F-words we walk through an exercise - an exercise that works for me. I hope that it works for you.

    In the previous episode, I spoke how this F-word is about the reward. The reward of freedom - the rewards of breaking free from the weight of the baggage we are carrying around with us.

    Forgiveness is about control - about directing our life in a positive direction without the stories that keep us tethered in the past. 

    Create the space to have a deep experience here right now - or come back to this later - and experience this exercise with me.

    FORGIVENESS is a gift for YOU to GIVE to YOU.  

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    12 分
  • Powerful F-Words

    This week we have a theme again, and this time it's F-words.

    Now, you may be sitting here wondering what the heck F-words have to do with health...? 

    In Physiology, we talk about FEAR - Fight, Flight, Freeze and there are a host of negative F-words but the are also great positive F-Words. But as Mel Robbins points out FINE is not one of them. 

    This week we are going to focus the F-word that I feel is a key to Freedom

    This is Forgiveness

    "To err is human, to forgive is divine."

    For ME the most important thing in forgiveness is deciding - I made the conscious decision to stop feeding the hatred, the need for revenge, that had infected my mind and heart. Forgiveness for me is about the conscious decision to let go of anger, let go of the past, and start the process of healing.

    "Bitterness & resentment is a poison meant for the other person that we end up swallowing ourselves."

    BTW I do drop the real F-Word in this one. So watch out for your little ones.

    Join me again next time as I share some tools that I have picked up along the way.

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    10 分