
  • Jesus Speaks to Seven Churches
    Some Christians avoid reading the Book of the Revelation because they say the book is too difficult to understand. Some avoid reading the book because they find the scenes of natural disasters and plagues troubling. In this podcast episode, however, Evangelist Frank King focuses on Jesus’ instructions to John with regard to the seven churches in Asia to explain that the purpose of the book is not to terrorize the church but to encourage the church. In the end, God will create a new heaven and earth and make all things new.
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  • God’s Love for the Lost
    In this podcast episode, Frank King addresses the love of God for the lost. The love of God is perfectly summed up in John 3:16: “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” We come into contact with sinners every day. We have lost relatives. Some in our home may be lost. This message aims to challenge us to evaluate our love for the lost or the lack thereof.
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  • Laying a Good Foundation for Life
    A life founded upon a good foundation does not just happen.  The foundation of your life is important because it undergirds everything else. We cannot escape or avoid difficult challenges in life. That is true for Christians as well as for non-Christians. We must prepare ourselves for the storms of life by building our life upon a good foundation. In this podcast episode, Evangelist Frank King reveals how you can lay a good foundation for your life.
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  • Three Reasons God Says No to Our Prayer
    Jesus often taught about how to pray. The more conscientiously we apply those teachings, the more successful we will be in the area of prayer. Some people argue that we don’t need anyone to teach us how to pray. Everybody knows how to pray, they say. Prayer is just talking with God. In simplest terms that is true. But there is prayer and then there is effective prayer. In this podcast episode, Evangelist Frank King explains three reasons God says no to our prayer.
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  • Faithfulness in Fatherhood
    God calls Christian Fathers to be spiritual leaders in their home. Accordingly, in chapter 6, verse 4 of Paul’s letter to the church at Ephesus he writes, “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and the instruction of the Lord.” This calling is an essential part of anything else God calls fathers to do. In this message to fathers, Frank King underscores the point that God places high value on fathers being faithful in the area of fatherhood.
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  • The Need to Encourage Yourself
    No matter who we are or how much we love the Lord, we all need to be encouraged at times. Church attendance should be an important source of encouragement for believers. But it’s also important that we know how to encourage ourselves in the Lord. In this podcast episode, Frank King teaches on the importance of knowing how to encourage yourself in the face of circumstances that threaten to overwhelm or depress you.
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  • The Works of the Devil Against the Lost
    As we see what’s happening in our world, none of us like the course that this world is on. According to the Bible, that course is being driven by a spirit that’s working in the hearts of unbelievers. There is no earthly solution to this problem. In this podcast episode, Evangelist Frank addresses what the Bible says about the works of the devil and the powers of darkness at work in the lives of unbelievers.
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  • How to Maintain or Regain Focus
    As Christians, we are ambassadors for Christ. He has returned to the Father. We are here in His stead to do the work of the Kingdom. Our success depends upon our ability to maintain focus amid the many distractions in our world. If we lose focus, we run the risk of losing our footing. One of the objectives of the Word of God is to help us to stay properly focused so our feet can stay firmly planted.
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